In Arizona's riparian areas, cattle compete with imperiled species for fragile resources

Cyndi Tuell (Western Watersheds) searches for the Huachuca water umbel on the banks of the San Pedro River, October 27, 2021, in the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area near Fairbank, Arizona.
Cyndi Tuell (Western Watersheds) searches for the Huachuca water umbel on the banks of the San Pedro River, October 27, 2021, in the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area near Fairbank, Arizona.

Sixty miles south of Tucson, in a mountainous region of the Coronado National Forest, a pristine stream cuts through a gulch, functioning as a healthy wetland should, as a refuge for the plants and animals that rely on its clear, cool waters and lush forests for their survival.

Nestled in the Pajarito Mountains, the area is significant not only because of its natural beauty but also because it is critical habitat for an endangered species, the yellow-billed cuckoo. Critical habitat is a federally designated distinction that draws a line around certain areas that are meant to conserve imperiled species.

This habitat remains intact because barbed-wire fencing flanks the stream’s shores and slabs of sheet metal hang from rope and wire across the water, blocking access all the way to the wall at the Mexican border. But the barricade isn’t meant to keep animals in. Its sole purpose is to keep cattle out.

Ranchers here have worked to keep their animals in check, but other areas aren’t so fortunate. In recent years, environmentalists have documented hundreds of miles or waterways within the 5.2 million acres of critical habitat in Arizona where cattle have trampled and overgrazed the landscape, including especially fragile riparian areas.

These areas are vestiges of hope for imperiled species that are on the brink of extinction. As the number of endangered species grows, so does the number of acres the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service designates as critical habitat, often putting conservation and ranching into conflict with one another.

The battle between ranching and conservation has become one of the latest sticking points for advocates who argue that cattle have no place in the Southwest, an arid climate not always suited for large, water-guzzling bovines. In the past two years, biologists and citizen scientists who have surveyed critical habitat have found many areas rendered unsuitable for the species they're meant to save.

Land managers insist ranchers should be allowed to use public lands alongside critical habitat. In many cases, ranching leases pre-date critical habitat designations by decades. And ranchers say they can actually help conservation by leading restoration efforts and keeping large swaths of land open and undeveloped.

But while ranching may seem preferable to subdivisions, conservation advocates say it still leads to habitat destruction, the number one driver of extinction. And the best way to prevent that in Arizona, those advocates say, is to get cattle out of the remaining critical habitat.

"There's nowhere else for these species to go," said Juliet Stromberg, a retired Arizona State University ecologist and botanist, whose research focuses on wetland environments.

Cows along Bonita Creek on the Johnny Creek Allotment, near the Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area in southeastern Arizona.
Cows along Bonita Creek on the Johnny Creek Allotment, near the Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area in southeastern Arizona.

Grazing and competing priorities

For over a century, ranching has reigned supreme on public lands in the West. According to a 2016 report released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Forest Service leases 102 million acres of 193 million acres it manages to ranchers, who require vast sums of public land to sustain their herds. In Arizona alone, the Bureau of Land Management leases over 11 million acres to ranchers.

For a fee of $1.35 per cow and calf pair, a single rancher can lease thousands of acres of public land and let their cattle loose to graze, often for months at a time. Sometimes, cattle get into areas where they shouldn’t be, including critical habitat that neighbor grazing allotments.

Chris Bugbee, a field ecologist for the Tucson-based Center for Biological Diversity, has spent the last year and a half assessing the health of critical habitats in Arizona and New Mexico. He and his team of three have traveled hundreds of miles and produced reams of reports cataloging critical habitat ruined by cattle: widened streams, cow pies leading to algae blooms and oxygen-starved water, and forests with no new trees because sprouting trees are browsed to nubs.

Based on his travels, Bugbee says that unspoiled yellow-billed cuckoo habitat in the Coronado is the exception. In the last year, the center has surveyed at least 10 critical habitat designations throughout Arizona and found all were being damaged by livestock.

"From what I've seen, really nowhere is safe, whether it's national forest or a national monument, or even a national conservation area. They've all been degraded," said Bugbee. “This strategy is not working here. This critical habitat, it can no longer serve its function in the recovery of this certain species, whether it's cuckoo or leopard frog.”

Bugbee and his team have witnessed critical habitat damage for yellow-billed cuckoos, spikedace fish, loach minnow, several chub species, willow flycatchers, Chiricahua leopard frogs, narrow-headed garter snakes, north Mexican garter snakes, Huachuca water umbel and the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse.

Cyndi Tuell, the Arizona and New Mexico director at Western Watershed Project, an advocacy group, has also surveyed critical habitat for many of these species. Like the center, the watershed project has been trying to get cattle out of sensitive areas for years, not only in critical habitat, but in riparian ecosystems across the Southwest.

For Tuell, land managers like the forest service and BLM are turning their backs when it comes to enforcing bedrock environmental laws and regulations that are meant to protect fragile ecosystems.

"I would definitely say (land managers) are giving a lot of lip service to conservation, especially in these lands that are supposed to be managed under the national conservation land system that have these special designations, like national monuments or riparian conservation areas," Tuell said. "They're not addressing trespass livestock, they're not reaching out to the permittees or the ranchers nearby who maybe aren't permittees. They're not asking those folks to be paying for the forage their cows are illegally taking off of these protected public lands."

As federal designations, critical habitat overlaps with a range of federal land ownership designations, such as the forest service and BLM, where a multiple-use ethos has guided management principles for over a century. But this wide focus has led to competing priorities.

"The forest service or the BLM will say they're under a mandate of multiple use. And that's true," said Robin Silver, one of the cofounders of the Center for Biological Diversity. "Except it doesn't mean that grazing gets to be dominant. It's okay for them to still protect an area. Multiple use doesn't mean let cows destroy our public lands, but that's their philosophy."

This contrast between commercialization and conservation is nowhere more apparent than in the southeastern part of the state, which incorporates the Sky Islands, one of the most biodiversity-rich places in the country.

A University of Arizona study concluded that the Coronado National Forest "encompasses habitat for more (threatened and endangered) species than any other forest in the southwestern region, and the region ranks second among FS regions in the country for numbers of listed species."

That same study found that as of May 2000, there were nearly 200 grazing allotments within the forest, with approximately 30,000 cattle roaming the area.

"The crux of what the Center does is force agencies to do their job the way they're supposed to be doing it," Bugbee told The Republic. "Our immediate goal is to exclude cattle completely from anywhere that's designated as critical and to start fostering the recovery of these ecosystems."

Grazing in San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area.
Grazing in San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area.

The battles over critical habitat

Critical habitat does not establish a preserve or refuge, but it is a “yellow light” for federal agencies that an area’s primary focus is conservation, said Jeff Humphrey, a field supervisor for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Once critical habitat has been established, land managers are required to avoid destroying or adversely modifying the area, meaning any negative impact could violate the Endangered Species Act.

This requirement has led to complicated legal battles. Since at least 1998, conservation groups have tried to get cattle out of critical habitat, with lawsuits proving to be the most effective tool. The center has sued federal agencies at least seven times to force them to exclude cattle from critical habitat in Arizona.

Most recently, the center and Maricopa Audubon Society sued the Bureau of Land Management twice for their failure to protect these areas from grazing. The first lawsuit involved the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, a 46-mile "green ribbon of life" that flows northward from Mexico. The area and its tributaries are critical habitat for Huachuca water umbel, yellow-billed cuckoo and northern Mexican garter snakes.

The second lawsuit also targeted the BLM but added the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to the complaint. The conservation groups claimed that both agencies failed to protect critical habitat in the Gila Box Riparian National Conservation Area, another protected area in southeastern Arizona. In both places, the center said it observed widespread damage from cattle in areas designated as critical habitat.

This past summer, the center and the forest service reached an agreement that requires the agency to monitor fencing and remove cows from stretches of the Verde River, in central Arizona, and its tributaries. The settlement followed another agreement reached this past summer that requires the forest service to monitor more than 150 miles of riparian habitat in eastern Arizona and western New Mexico.

The three-year agreement covers portions of the Gila, San Francisco, Tularosa and Blue rivers in Arizona’s Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests and the Gila National Forest in New Mexico. The agency has committed to better monitor the health of critical habitat, repair fencing meant to keep livestock out and remove trespassing cattle when they are found in the area.

On the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, the center and Western Watersheds have a pending lawsuit that challenges the management plan for the area. BLM has renewed four grazing leases that should have expired in the 1990s.

Instead of discontinuing these leases, the agency proposed strategies that could expose more areas of critical habitat to unwanted grazing in an effort to have more management flexibility. The new resource management plan would allow the agency to use biological control, or targeted grazing, to remove unwanted vegetation and reduce fire fuel. So if the agency wanted to thin plant cover in a particular area, it could expand the number of acres in a grazing allotment to include that location.

Conservation groups say this is another way to appease the ranching community and allow more grazing.

"I think one of the problems we face is that a lot of the people in the agency were ranchers or are friends and family of ranchers. So they have sort of a bias in terms of where their loyalties may lie," Tuell said. "It just seems unreasonable if you're working for a land management agency, and your whole job is to conserve, protect and enhance an area, that you're going to do very little to keep livestock out of that area in the face of all of the science showing that livestock harm these areas. It doesn't make sense."

In 2018, before the draft management plan for the conservation area was released, 21 scientists, including Stromberg, wrote a letter to Raymond Suazo, the state director for the BLM, urging him to exclude cattle from the riparian area.

“(I)f livestock grazing in the SPRNCA is reauthorized, not only will many aquatic and riparian species and ecosystem functions be jeopardized but the critically important role of this Conservation Area as an ecological reference site will be lost,” the letter said.

A portrait of John Ladd on his San Jose Ranch, October 28, 2021, near Naco, Arizona.
A portrait of John Ladd on his San Jose Ranch, October 28, 2021, near Naco, Arizona.

'Good ranching takes more work'

John Ladd’s 16,400-acre cattle ranch hugs the Mexican border near Hereford and abuts the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area. His is a sprawling ranch tucked in the San Pedro Valley with rolling yellow fields, cow pens and sweeping mountain views.

For over 125 years, his family has ranched in the area, owning most of the land with some state leases. Ladd’s proximity to the conservation area, which is managed by the BLM, means he’s on the front lines of ranching near critical habitat.

The impacts of rebellious cattle are easy to see here. Along some portions of the river, broken or rundown fencing allows animals to enter the fragile riparian area, leaving pools choked with fecal matter and widened by heavy hooves that lead to erosion.

Ladd does his best to keep his cattle out, but some do get in. In most cases, he says, it’s Mexican cows that are getting in the area. When that happens, the BLM calls on Ladd to corral the wayward cattle.

"It's not as common as it used to be. But, yeah, BLM doesn't have a real good fencing program and then they're short-handed on manpower," Ladd said. "So cattle from the surrounding areas can get in there." People who cross the border from Mexico worsen the problem, he adds. "They cut the fence so cows can get in there."

Stefanie Smallhouse, a rancher and state president for the Arizona Farm Bureau, also understands the tug and pull that comes along with ranching near critical habitat. She owns and manages a ranch in the San Pedro River Valley.

On her ranch, she uses techniques to make sure cattle are kept out of areas where they shouldn't be, with fencing the primary tool. She also moves animals around the ranch so their impact remains slight in any one particular area.

"For decades now, we've taken quite a bit of time in developing a grazing management strategy, a schedule, for how we move our cattle around the ranch," said Smallhouse. "We have built a lot of water infrastructure, all over the ranch, a lot of fencing infrastructure all over the ranch. And all of these things are ways for us to move the cattle efficiently."

A little farther north, Mark Haberstich, the manager for The Nature Conservancy's Aravaipa Canyon Preserve, uses similar solutions, including proper fencing and policing of cows.

For over 25 years, Haberstich has managed land and ranched along Aravaipa Creek. Like most ranches, Aravaipa Canyon Preserve produces beef cattle, but its primary purpose is to show that ranching and conservation are possible alongside one another. The preserve has initiated several restoration projects to replant native, upland grasses using the cattle to distribute seeds.

The conservancy owns 9,000 acres of land and leases an additional 40,000 acres from the BLM, the forest service and Arizona, across a vast area of rugged canyons, cliffs and cottonwood forest.

Although Haberstich concedes there are some places where cattle shouldn't encroach, he calls Araviapa Canyon Preserve an example of successful ranching near critical habitat where the two coexist.

The critical habitat near the preserve lies exclusively in Aravaipa creek, the sole riparian ecosystem in the area. As such, it is a vital water resource for both the preserve and wildlife. The creek itself is critical habitat for the yellow-billed cuckoo and spikedace.

"For the last 15 years, we've managed cattle here in Araviapa and our property has a lot of riparian areas, a lot of sensitive streamside areas, and we basically excluded cattle from those areas that we thought were too sensitive," Haberstich said. "If you have cattle in there all the time, that erodes that stream bank and messes up the fish habitat. So we have those areas fenced. Areas that are kind of semi-wet or dry, we rotate cattle."

The Nature Conservancy's work here has for many been a bright spot in the evolution of how critical habitats and ranching coexist. For years, the predominant way of ranching in the West has meant cattle were turned loose into vast allotments that included critical habitat. This is still true on many public lands, as documented by conservation groups in the Coronado National Forest and San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area.

It means landowners have to manage cattle in a way that prioritizes coexistence over profits, which can stand in contrast to the immediate goals of most ranching operations.

When asked if he thinks ranching can coexist with critical habitat and endangered species, Haberstich said, "I definitely do. I mean, it isn't easy. And that's kind of the problem. Good ranching takes more work. The more work you put into it, the better results you get. And unfortunately, a lot of ranches don't put lots of work into it because that's additional money."

The San Pedro River, October 27, 2021, in the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area near Fairbank, Arizona.
The San Pedro River, October 27, 2021, in the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area near Fairbank, Arizona.

The challenges of enforcement

With stakeholders on both sides of the fence seeming to agree that cattle should not be in critical habitat, it can be difficult to discern who may be at fault when livestock encroach. It's particularly hard to monitor vast areas, where land is open and rugged and there are few eyes on the ground.

In some areas of the Coronado National Forest, Bugbee has witnessed herds of unbranded cattle wreaking havoc on cuckoo habitat. Even when cattle are branded, ranchers often say they had no idea their livestock were in the area.

It's a problem that has plagued protected areas for decades, so long that it has a name: trespass grazing. But Silver, from the center, posits that the damage is the same no matter the legal distinction.

"It's irrelevant. I would say that if the ranchers don't know where their cows are, they shouldn't be allowed to have a federal permit," he said. "Aside from the poor management by federal officials, the ranchers have a responsibility also."

The distinction between trespass and legal grazing is one that can get tricky for land managers. One of the implications is that trespass grazing is illegal and, where found, federal agencies should remove cattle from the area. But this can be hard to do and is costly. The agency must first find the cattle, then figure out where they need to go, and then it has to hire a team to retrieve the wayward animals.

The result is often lackluster enforcement, advocates say. Whether legal or illegal, the problem is often the same: poorly managed fences and federal agencies that fail to regulate critical habitat areas, leading to badly damaged habitat for endangered species, said Silver.

"All these areas are damaged severely. And we've surveyed, in round numbers, 500 miles, we put a lot of effort into looking at the critical habitat," Silver told the Republic. "Most of the endangerment of our species here is because, in good part, of habitat degradation by cows."

Habitat destruction is widely considered by scientists the number one driver of extinction, accelerating the loss of biodiversity well beyond the natural rate, according to a 2019 United Nations report on biodiversity loss. Due to its negative impact on critical habitat, grazing is often seen as mutually exclusive by conservation groups and scientists.

"The thing about critical habitat is for many species there is no other place on this earth where they can live and cattle ranching can be done in areas that receive more rainfall, in areas that historically had these high densities of bison, in a more climatically appropriate environment," said Stromberg, the ecologist.

"Imposing that additional stressor in these semi-arid systems, my gut reaction is they're mutually incompatible," she said. "We need to have these areas set aside that are free of the stressors that these creatures did not evolve with and are not acclimated to."

Lindsey Botts is an environmental reporter for The Arizona Republic/azcentral. Follow his reporting on Twitter at @lkbotts and Lkbotts on Instagram. Tell him about stories at

Environmental coverage on and in The Arizona Republic is supported by a grant from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust. Follow The Republic environmental reporting team at and @azcenvironment on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Cattle grazing and critical habitat collide in riparian areas