Asa Hutchinson: Renew hope and rebuild the American Dream

America is at a crossroads. High inflation strains families nationwide, open borders erode our sovereignty, the opioid epidemic ravages our communities, and a sluggish economy leaves millions feeling forgotten and left behind. Moreover, trust in our institutions and leaders diminishes, and respect for the rule of law weakens.

Yet, in the midst of these trials, I see an opportunity for renewal, a chance to rekindle the flame of hope that has always defined our great nation. We need a president who not only recognizes the difficulties facing America, but one who can also lift our spirits and restore our faith in the American Dream — a dream that for too many seems out of reach.

While some candidates in this election use fear as their rallying cry, I stand firm in my commitment to a path of inspiration, confidence and unwavering hope. My vision for America is deeply rooted in effective and principled leadership.

As we navigate these challenging times, America needs a leader with not just ideas, but real experience. I stand unique among the candidates as the only one with hands-on experience and a proven track record in effectively addressing the challenges facing our nation.

As governor, I led Arkansas through challenging economic times, balancing the budget and leaving a $2 billion surplus. This success was the result of common-sense, conservative economic principles. But for the last two decades, leaders of both parties have spent like drunken sailors, and our national debt now stands at over $34 trillion. I am committed to restoring fiscal responsibility in Washington.

As governor, I created 100,000 new jobs by cutting taxes and reducing regulations while shrinking the size of government by 14%. As president, I will apply this successful model to the federal level, aiming to reduce the workforce by 200,000 jobs and kick-start economic growth by slashing regulations and unleashing our energy production.

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Securing our borders and restoring our sovereignty will also be a day-one priority. Following the Sept. 11 attacks, I was tasked with securing our borders and our skies, and that’s exactly what we did. As president, I will stop the flow of illegal immigration, fix our asylum laws, and work with Mexico to go after the cartels. I’ve done it before, and as president, I will do it again.

As former head of the Drug Enforcement Administration, I have witnessed firsthand the destruction the opioid crisis wreaks on our families and communities. We must confront China and the cartels in Mexico that continue to poison our people. But we also must implement policies to ensure that those struggling with addiction have access to the help they need. This is a battle for the very soul of our nation, and one that, together, we can win.

To the hardworking people of Iowa, I share your concerns and aspirations. Together, we can step into an era of renewed prosperity and security.

Thank you for your consideration. Let's unite to renew our hope, rebuild the American Dream, and secure a promising future for all.

Asa Hutchinson
Asa Hutchinson

Asa Hutchinson is a Republican candidate for president. He was governor of Arkansas from 2015 to 2023.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Asa Hutchinson: With my track record, I can rebuild the American Dream