We asked AI to write a love poem for Valentine's Day to Louisville. What we got

The artificial intelligence program ChatGPT was unveiled to the public late last year, and its wide-ranging uses have sparked excitement and debate.

We asked it to write a Valentine's Day poem for Louisville, Kentucky, and it didn't hold back.

ChatGPT's Valentine's Day poem to Louisville

Louisville, my heart beats true,

For the city I've fallen in love with, it's you.

From the horses that run at Churchill Downs,

To the bourbon that flows in your town.

Your food is a delight, a true work of art,

A symphony of flavors that leaves me with a heart

Full of joy and appreciation, for all that you bring,

A city so full of life, it makes me want to sing.

Your people are kind, with a warm smile and a touch,

A true reflection of the love that they hold so much,

And your streets are alive with a culture so rich,

It's a place that I cherish, and love with each stitch.

So on this Valentine's Day, I want to say,

My love for you, Louisville, will never fade away.

Forever and always, you'll hold a special place,

In my heart, as the city I love and embrace.

A pilot draws a heart in the sky over Louisville and the Ohio River during the Thunder Over Louisville event on Saturday.
 April 21, 2018.
A pilot draws a heart in the sky over Louisville and the Ohio River during the Thunder Over Louisville event on Saturday. April 21, 2018.

What is ChatGPT?

The program can take a short prompt from a user and generate anything from an essay to advice on getting a raise.

In the frequently asked questions section, its developers warn, "ChatGPT is not connected to the internet, and it can occasionally produce incorrect answers. It has limited knowledge of world and events after 2021 and may also occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content."

Joe Mutascio contributed to this article.

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: Chat GPT's Valentine's Day poem to Louisville, Kentucky