Anti-inflammatories could be used to treat depression, study finds

Ibuprofen - Lauren Hurley /PA
Ibuprofen - Lauren Hurley /PA

Anti-inflammatories could be effective at treating depression, a major King's College London study has found.

Researchers from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience studied data from 86,000 people in the UK Biobank - an enormous health database with hundreds of thousands of registrants.

They found that inflammation was present in the bodies of 21.2 per cent of depressed patients, compared with 16.8 per cent of non-depressed patients.

Medication which has an anti-inflammatory effect could therefore be used in the future to alleviate symptoms of depression, they argue.

Prof Carmine Pariante, Professor of Biological Psychiatry, said inflammation in depressed patients was caused by the body trying to deal with stress.

"The basal ganglia sit in the core of our brain and are important for things like rumination and motivation," he said.

"They produce neurotransmitters called dopamine. Depression reduces dopamine levels and correlates with symptoms like fatigue and decreased motivation."

Another symptom of depression is the body activating a "stress response", he said.

"It could be part of a non-specific element of arousal and distress - in animals, even the bone marrow becomes more hyperactive.

"We know depressed patients have more white blood cells, particularly monocytes involved in immune response. The body mirrors the living experience of feeling something stressful.

"There's truth in the evolution idea. The immune system activates for evolutionary reasons in response to life stress. It feels that a lion or predator is out there, and responds."

Prof Pariante said it is likely to be a vicious cycle, as the immune system's physical response to stress then triggers areas of the brain responsible for emotions such as threat perception - exacerbating the emotional symptoms of depression.

Inflammation in patients was assessed by looking at their level of C-reactive protein (CRP). This measure is used to assess the impact of a number of conditions which cause inflammation, such as Crohn's disease.

CRP levels can increase for a number of reasons in those without symptoms of depression. Smoking, having a high Body Mass Index or being ill are all possible triggers.

However, even when taking these variables into account, CRP levels were significantly higher in those with depression.

Most antidepressants work by increasing serotonin in the brain, but inflammation reduces the availability of serotonin, said Prof Pariante.

This means anti-inflammatory medications could prove crucial in improving symptoms, by leaving a clear path for antidepressants to take effect, the study suggests.

"You can have an anti-inflammatory reaction by changing diet, lifestyle, level of exercise, or through a high dose of fish oil," said Prof Pariante.

"Anti-inflammatory medication could be added - this is a really important step. Medications for people with anti-inflammatory disorders could be repurposed for people with depression."

Commenting on the study, Prof David Curtis, an honorary professor at the UCL Genetics Institute, strongly warned against depression sufferers self-treating with anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as more research is needed to assess their effectiveness.

The study was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry.