
Athlete of the Week Southeastern High School

Aug. 1—Name: Wade Eriksen

School: Southeastern High School

Grade: 12th

Age: 18

Sports: Football, Basketball

Claim to fame/honors: 3-time Team captain, 2-time 2nd team all OHC

Words you live by: When you can do something others can't, and bad things happen, they happen because of you.

Toughest opponent: Clayton Minter

Biggest influence: Barstool Big Kat

Game-day rituals: tie my shoes multiple times before going out to play

What's on your bedroom walls: Legos and sports posters

When I'm bored I like to... build Legos

Favorite movie: Top Gun

Person who would play you in a movie: Chris Pratt

Favorite TV show: New Girl

Favorite musical artist: Kayne West

Favorite book: One Fish Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss

Favorite home-cooked meal: Norwegian Meatballs

Favorite restaurant: Chipotle

Whose mind would you like to read: my dog Trippy

Place where you'd love to travel: Avengers Campus at Disneyland in California

Talent you'd like to have: to sing or dance

Favorite school subject: Physics

Favorite athlete: Peyton Manning

Favorite team: Indianapolis Colts

Something in the world I'd like to change: There should be a regular person in the last lane during Olympic races, that way we can truly capture how elite the athletes are.

Favorite sports moment: LeBron James' chase down block in game 7 of the 2016 NBA finals.

Favorite junk food: Brownies

Best thing about your favorite sport: nothing will ever match the brotherhood I have built with my teammates.