The Atlantic Politics & Policy Daily: Trump: Now Can I Get an Encore?

Today in 5 Lines

Hours after his convention speech, Donald Trump rekindled an old feud with Ted Cruz and defended the National Enquirer during a press conference. President Obama delivered a rebuke of Trump’s speech Thursday and reaffirmed the United States’s relationship with Mexico at a news conference with Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto. The former Ku-Klux-Klan-leader David Duke announced he will run for U.S. Senate. And at least six people are dead in a shooting in Munich.

Today on The Atlantic

  • The Outlaw Wants to Be the Sheriff: “And so it came to pass, in the year 2016, on a sunny day in America’s heartland,” Molly Ball writes, “that Donald Trump—builder, shocker, demagogue, smasher of certainties, destroyer of the Republican Party, winner—accepted his party’s nomination, with a vow to restore order.”

  • The Comeback Kid: Jon Stewart staged a takeover of Stephen Colbert’s desk on Thursday night for a 10-minute Daily Show-style rant, where he blasted Fox News and called Trump an “angry groundhog.” It was just what America needed. (Spencer Kornhaber)

  • The Rise of Rhetorical Partisanship: The Republican National Convention was filled with references to “radical Islamic terrorism” and “illegal aliens,” while the Democratic National Convention is likely to avoid both of those terms. So when did the two major political parties start speaking different languages? Think circa 1990. (Derek Thompson)

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A sign sits on the ground during the final day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Thursday. Carolyn Kaster / AP
A sign sits on the ground during the final day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Thursday. Carolyn Kaster / AP

What We’re Reading

Veep Watch: Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, who is reportedly on Hillary Clinton’s short list, attended a Boston fundraiser Friday. He’s scheduled to be in another part of Massachusetts over the weekend, but if he’s picked to join Clinton’s ticket, he’ll likely be headed to Florida instead. (Meg Bernhard, The Boston Globe)

Recommended: Donald Trump's Bad Bet on Anger

Trump News Is Good News: From accusations of plagiarism to extra-marital affairs, the GOP’s presidential nominee has a long personal history of bad publicity—and he’s learned to turn it into a weapon. (Michael Kruse, Politico)

May the Road Rise to Meet You: While Republicans gathered in Cleveland for the party’s national convention, those in Washington organized an Irish wake to mourn the end of their party. (Alex Gangitano, Roll Call)

Republicans Face An Ultimatum: Convention attendees watching Trump’s speech Thursday night seemed satisfied with his performance; many of them are tired of fighting, finally ready to stand behind the party’s nominee. But will Republicans watching at home have their own come-to-Trump moments? (Byron York, Washington Examiner)

Make America Afraid Again: In his convention speech, Trump made the case that things in the United States are bad—really bad. But Ezra Klein argues that there is no crisis, and Trump is scaring Americans for political gain. (Vox)


He’s Everywhere: From the day he announced his candidacy to his official speech accepting the GOP nomination, here’s a visual history of Donald Trump dominating the news cycle. (Lazaro Gamio and Callum Borchers, The Washington Post)

Question of the Week

This week, you submitted suggestions for the song Donald Trump should walk onstage to on the final night of the Republican National Convention. We were all wrong: The song playing in the background when Trump took the podium was the theme from the movie Air Force One. (Somewhere in the world, Harrison Ford was probably rolling his eyes.)

But Joe Bookman gets half credit for submitting the Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want,” which played after Trump was finished speaking.

Props are also in order for David, who suggested Trump play “You’re So Vain” by Carly Simon.

Some other favorites: Raymond Williams with DJ Khaled’s “All I Do Is Win” and Charles Patterson for suggesting the song “He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands.” Head over to our Notes section for more.

-Written by Elaine Godfrey (@elainejgodfrey)

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This article was originally published on The Atlantic.