Will atmospheric river bring more rain to Sacramento? Yes, another storm is brewing

An atmospheric river is expected to make landfall in California next week, bringing more gloomy days to the capital city.

Starting Tuesday and lasting through at least Friday, the system is forecast to bring rain, snow and wind across the state. Early predictions are in, but it’s still unclear exactly how much precipitation residents can expect.

The atmospheric river storm “looks like it may be similar in nature and track to what we experienced this past weekend,” said Jeffery Wood, a National Weather Service meteorologist in Sacramento.

What is an atmospheric river?

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, atmospheric rivers are streams in the atmosphere that carry water vapors outside of the tropics.

They’re sometimes referred to as “rivers in the sky.”

How much rain is coming to Sacramento?

Downtown, one to 1.75 inches of rain is forecast to fall from Tuesday to Friday next week.

Wood said “the storm may be longer than three days,” but for now this is as far out as the weather service can track it.

“The further north you go from Sacramento right now, early indication shows, there’s higher rainfall totals,” Wood said.

“There’s a large discrepancy within models on exactly how much rainfall the Valley will get,” Wood said. “But there’s definitely a signal of enhanced rainfall.”

A couple of weak systems will move through Sacramento this week before the atmospheric river storm arrives.

McKinley Thompson-Morley walks to work in the rain on Wednesday in downtown Sacramento near the state Capitol.
McKinley Thompson-Morley walks to work in the rain on Wednesday in downtown Sacramento near the state Capitol.

The five-day forecast suggests amounts between a tenth and a quarter of an inch for the Sacramento area this Wednesday.

Temperatures on Wednesday will reach highs of 56 degrees and lows of 49 degrees, according to the weather service.

After the Wednesday storm rolls through, another “weak system will influence at least the northern half of the region Friday into Saturday, with dry conditions Sunday,” the weather service said.

On Thursday, Sacramento will see a break from the rain with mostly sunny skies. Temperature highs will reach 61 degrees and lows will dip to 46 degrees.

There is a chance of more rain Friday. Temperature highs will reach 61 and lows will dip to 49, according to the weather service.

Showers are forecast to return Saturday with highs near 59 degrees and lows of around 49 degrees. By Sunday, the rain should clear for a couple of days before the atmospheric river system moves through. Cloudy skies are forecast with temperature highs near 66 degrees and lows at around 49 degrees.

The Bee’s Hanh Truong contributed to this story.

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