After audit raises concerns, Milton awards grant to Keep Santa Rosa Beautiful

As the environmental education nonprofit organization Keep Santa Rosa Beautiful goes through a rebuilding phase, the city of Milton is slated to dedicate $15,000 in funding for the organization.

The money is broken up into three $5,000 designations for specific items: a bike rack and water station, an educational kiosk and plants at the greenhouse.

This comes two weeks after Santa Rosa County agreed to provide funding to the organization as well.

At the county level, the organization requested $66,000, to be divvied out each month, with nearly half of the money going to its Adopt-a-Spot program, river and coastal cleanups and a nursery meant to restore native plants, increase pollinators and balance ecosystems.

Additionally, $16,000 from the county would go toward KSRB Executive Director Pamela Murfey's salary.

Audit raises concerns about KSRB: After fallout with Keep Santa Rosa Beautiful, butterfly group plans to open new location in April

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The funding from the city will come with caveats. Receipts are required to document expenditures, the organization will offer monthly progress reports and the City Council is recommending that any Adopt-a-Spot location within the city limits is not in a location that the city routinely cleans.

Not everyone, though, has been on board with the idea of the city providing funding for KSRB.

"It's easy and lazy for an organization to continually ask a government entity to take money from the people and then give it to them rather than going to the people themselves," said Councilwoman Shannon Rice in an emailed statement.

Some residents shared similar apprehension that tax money is being dedicated to a specific organization.

"I don't think we should be giving money to Keep Santa Rosa Beautiful because I think they should go out and get their own money," said Milton resident Theresa Messick, adding she predicts if the city gives KSRB "$1, they're going to want $10 the next day."

County audit causes concerns about KSRB

KSRB is the parent organization to the Panhandle Butterfly House, which left its previous location at the foot of the Navarre Beach Bridge in 2018 when the county announced it was planning a renovation of the park.

In 2020, the Panhandle Butterfly House announced its plans to move into the T.W. Jones house in Milton. In late 2020, through KSRB, the Panhandle Butterfly House received a $106,000 Impact 100 grant to build a vivarium at the Jones house.

But in July 2021, KSRB ended its relationship with the board of the Panhandle Butterfly House, drawing into question the future of the Butterfly House.

After the split, the former director of the Butterfly House, Jenny Weber, raised concerns over the financial situation at KSRB, citing it as one of the reasons she wanted the Butterfly House to separate from KSRB.

An audit of KSRB made its way to the County Commission in January for discussion but was tabled as the KSRB board was not made aware the item would be appearing. About 30 members of the public appeared then to speak on the subject and many voiced their frustration at the commission's delay.

Samuel Scallan, director of internal audit for the Santa Rosa County Clerk of Circuit Court, previously told the News Journal concerns over KSRB's financial situation prompted the audit of the organization's use of county-issued funds.

In the audit, which was finished late last year, Scallan found that Santa Rosa County had given KSRB over $967,000 since 2003. For fiscal year 2020-2021, Santa Rosa County contributed $3,000 on Aug. 24, 2021.

Elishia Bouley and her daughter Victoria, 11, of Girl Scout Troop 9000, check out their artwork on the newly unveiled Panhandle Butterfly House & Nature Center outside St. Sylvester Catholic Church in Navarre on March 22.
Elishia Bouley and her daughter Victoria, 11, of Girl Scout Troop 9000, check out their artwork on the newly unveiled Panhandle Butterfly House & Nature Center outside St. Sylvester Catholic Church in Navarre on March 22.

"Within KSRB there are virtually no internal controls over the financial operations of the association," the audit reads. "There are no polices or procedures. There are no dual controls over cash."

How are the two groups moving forward?

Less than a year after KSRB ousted the board of the Butterfly House, Weber and her group decided to change their name, rebranding to Butterflies in Motion, capitalizing on the fact that the organization is using a mobile butterfly home.

And for KSRB, officials from the organization, as well as public officials in Santa Rosa, recognize that the organization is in a "rebuild" following a tumultuous last few years.

"I ask that the Council and community to take the emotions out of this and view this organization as the failed business it is," Rice said. "(The) success or failure of the butterfly house will not be the success or failure of all pollinators and the end of the world as we know it."

This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Keep Santa Rosa Beautiful gets grant from Milton and Santa Rosa County