Austin American-Statesman Letters to the Editor: Feb. 5, 2023

SWAT standoff photos depict

something we should never see

Re: Jan 29 photos, "SWAT standoff ends in arrest."

The two photos of police on a SWAT standoff on page 3B of Sunday's paper is an example of what we should never see in our police force.

The photo would be more appropriate if taken in the Ukraine. The militarization in policing may seem like a good idea in this time where military-style arms are for sale to anyone, but if often seems like overkill for the occasion. The article describes this as a family violence incident with a woman arrested. There's even an armored car in the background — really?

Robert Knaus, Lakeway

Stopped for traffic offenses, but

he wasn't treated like Tyre Nichols

I have been stopped several times by police for minor traffic offenses such as speeding, failing to stop at a stop sign etc., but have never been dragged out of my car and assaulted. I have never even been asked to step out of my car. I have been politely asked to roll down my window, informed of my misdemeanor and asked to show my driver’s license and insurance. Then either given a ticket or a warning.

But then I am white. I wonder what could have happened if I was black and in a poorer part of town. Would I have been the victim of a brutal assault like Tyre Nichols? Very possibly.

Shame on Congress for failing to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. Will Congress finally take action on police reform this session? However, with Republicans in charge of the House, I doubt it.

Brian Clark, Austin

We need more public oversight

of funding for charter schools

Re: Jan. 30 article, "Lax charter school laws face new scrutiny."

Thank you for publishing the excellent article on the lax charter school laws, "Lax charter school laws face new scrutiny."

Our public school students and teachers suffer from diminished funding while some charter school owners buy themselves luxury housing, lavish trips and golden parachute deals with taxpayer money.

More public oversight of charter school funding is needed.

Irene Pickhardt, Austin

Officers sworn to protect and serve

used their power to kill Tyre Nichols

The murder of Tyre Nichols by Memphis police officers, caught on several cameras, is horrific to watch.

The 29-year-old is heard asking repeatedly what he did and crying, “Mom! Mom!” as he's brutally beaten. He died of his injuries in the hospital a few days later.

The truth is, he didn’t do anything wrong. He fits the profile of not all, but many victims of police brutality. He was a tall young man with dark skin. I believe he was killed for his appearance.

People can’t control their age, gender, body size or skin tone. Some say racism can’t be a factor because all the officers involved are Black. But I don’t think that anyone who was raised in America, no matter their ethnicity or gender, is immune to cultural stereotypes. These officers were sworn to protect and serve. Instead, they used their power to kill. I'm working and praying for change.

Renee Potenza, Austin

Stop expensive bickering and focus

on mission to provide health care

Re: Jan. 25 article, "Central Health, Ascension Seton sue each other in ongoing contract fight."

We are physicians with 70 years of combined experience practicing medicine at Seton Medical Center.

We welcomed the establishment of the hospital district and the relationship between Central Health, Dell Medical School and Ascension. We believe that the patients served by this system deserve better than to be pawns in the acrimonious lawsuits between Central Health and Ascension.

Please stop the expensive bickering and focus on your true mission: to support and improve the health of our community.

Karen G. Swenson and Diana G. Weihs, Austin

True, oil and gas drive profits,

but at a cost to climate, wallets

Re: Jan. 30 article, "Can Texas power US to be a net energy exporter?"

The article cheerleading Texas’ elite standing as the world’s top exporter of oil and gas, bringing in mountains of money for our state coffers, failed to mention the costs to all of us from this same oil and gas.

In 2022, the climate crisis resulted in 18 separate U.S. weather disasters costing at least $1 billion dollars. Drought is sucking the lifeblood out of communities and heartbreaking wildfires are destroying others. Record heat starts earlier and lasts longer and our utility bills rise. Due to climate activated sea-level rise, $34 billion was allocated in the annual defense bill for the Texas coastal barrier project. It includes $16 million for the Ike Dike to shield the region around Galveston, paid for with taxpayer money.

All of these costs and more from the climate crisis are off-loaded on to you and me. But the cost to the planet is incalculable.

Beki Halpin, Pflugerville

Police should adapt their methods

so that tragedies are prevented

Police prioritize obedience in their interactions. Police need to adapt their priorities and methods. The priority needs to be preserving civil society, and the methods need to be flexible so that minor offenders are treated differently from violent offenders.

For example, the officers in Memphis could have impounded the car after the young man ran away and insisted on a conversation, and tickets if deserved, before returning the vehicle. Instead the police became violent as if facing an extreme threat in seeking obedience and submission.

The unfortunate phrase “defund the police” caused a negative reaction that blinded us to the real need to change police priorities, training and methods. I urge the Austin Police Department to make policy changes that will prevent heartbreaking tragedies like the recent death of Tyre Nichols in Memphis.

Patricia Raine, Smithville

How to submit a letter to the editor

Send letters of no more than 150 words by noon Thursday by using our online form at or send an email to

We welcome your letters on all topics. Include your name and city of residence; we do not publish anonymous letters.

This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: Austin American-Statesman Letters to the Editor: Feb. 5, 2023