Australian cameraman hit by police on live TV outside White House

Police officers charged at journalists from 7News Australia during protests outside the White House. Footage from the live broadcast captured the moment when an officer lunged at the cameraman, who can be heard shouting, "Media!"

Video Transcript

- You're outside the White House where Donald Trump is about to-- to speak. It's getting a bit tense.

- Yeah, absolutely. Guys, we've just got to run about a block as police moved in. We've been fired at with rubber bullets. My cameraman has been hit. We've also seen tear gas being used.

Here we go. They're moving through again. This is exactly what it looks like. Exactly what it looks like. We had to stay safely-- media--

- Oh.

- Whoa. Oh.

- Amelia, can you hear us?

- Amelia, are you OK or your cameraman? Hello, Amelia. And the police just charged Amelia and-- and our 7News cameraman there. And looks like a policeman just punched out cameraman.

- Which is interesting because they're not discriminating between protesters and the media here. Amelia, can you hear us yet?

- Amelia, are you there?

- --guys, you heard--

- Are you OK?

- Yes, I am. [INAUDIBLE]. You heard us calling there that we were media, but they-- they don't care. They're indiscriminate at the moment. They chased us down that street, as you see.

They were firing these rubber bullets at everyone there. It's tear gas now. We are really surrounded by police. And you really saw the way that they dealt with my cameraman, Tim, there. Quite violent. And they do not care who they're targeting at the moment.