Author Efrén Olivares talks about his book 'My Boy Will Die of Sorrow' at SPLC on Friday

The federal courthouse in McAllen, Texas, was jam-packed that day in the summer of 2018, and Efrén Olivares was interviewing parents who had been separated from their children and made to stand before a judge.

Olivares asked a father what would happen if authorities deported him but not his son. He thought briefly, then replied.

“My boy will die of sorrow.”

That impactful remark now adorns the front of his 2022 memoir about his first-hand experience with the United States immigration system as a human rights lawyer fighting family separation at the Mexico border and an immigrant to the U.S.

My Boy Will Die of Sorrow: A Memoir of Immigration From the Front Lines” braids together the two narratives to share the human impact of immigration policy and explore how American principles like freedom, equality and the rule of law “appear to dissolve” closer and closer to the border.

Olivares, the deputy legal director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Immigrant Justice Project, is visiting the SPLC’s Civil Rights Memorial Center to read excerpts and discuss his work Friday, Oct. 28. The talk begins at 6 p.m. and will last for about one hour, after which Olivares will sign copies of his books for attendees. There is no cost of admission.

After U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a “zero-tolerance” policy ramping up criminal prosecution of undocumented immigrants in April 2018, Olivares began working with families who were separated at the border to try to reunite them. It wasn’t until a year later when he was speaking at the University of Pennsylvania, his alma mater, that he realized how his story paralleled those of the hundreds he’d interviewed that summer.

When he was a child in Allende, Mexico, a town about three hours from the Texas border, his father emigrated to the U.S. for work. For four years, he rarely saw him.

They reunited in Texas, where Olivares went to high school. He realized that although his family wasn’t forcibly torn apart, his too was a story of family separation. And he wondered how that story may have ended differently in 2018.

“I could have been one of those children. I could have been one of those parents, depending on the time when we immigrated,” Olivares said in an interview.

Through his book, Olivares wants readers to see how “chaotic and dysfunctional” moving to the U.S. can be. He hopes they’ll probe their own attitudes toward those whose lives are impacted by immigration policy and walk away with a little more compassion.

“Why is it that we don't feel compassionate empathy for some people, and we feel it for others? What are these arbitrary reasons?” he asked.

Or maybe, like him, you’ll realize that those stories aren’t too dissimilar from your own.

“One of the most illuminating things that has come out since the book was published is how many people … have come up to me and shared, ‘You know what? I never thought of what happened to my family as a family separation. But now that you mentioned it … I was supposed to be away from my mom two weeks, and then the lawyer filed something wrong with immigration agency. And then those two weeks are now three years,’” he said. “I've been just surprised by how common that is. So now I believe even more strongly that separation is almost universally part of the immigrant experience.”

Half of all royalties from Olivares’ book will go directly to families impacted by the immigration crisis.

Evan Mealins is the justice reporter for the Montgomery Advertiser. Contact him at or follow him on Twitter @EvanMealins.

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This article originally appeared on Montgomery Advertiser: Immigration memoir author visiting Montgomery for book signing