Avengers: Disney to grant dying Marvel fan's wish to see Endgame months before release

A Marvel superfan has been granted his wish to see the final Avengers film before he dies.

The Australian man, who said he is battling live cancer, mouth cancer and bone marrow failure, posted his wish on Reddit before revealing that Thor actor Chris Hemsworth may have swooped in to make his dream come true.

Known only as “Alexander”, the Reddit user posted: “Will probably be dead before April. I've heard of people getting early screenings before. How do I get in on this action? I'm not a child, or anyone with a particularly tragic story. Just a normal guy. I'm 33, lost my sister three years ago to the same rare genetic disease it turns out I have too. I'll leave behind a devoted girlfriend and an adopted greyhound. I thought I'd make it to April at least, but my bone marrow is toast.”

His fellow Reddit users shared the story, and it eventually paid off as Alexander revealed that Disney had contacted him. He says they're now discussing plans for him to watch the film, titled Avengers: Endgame, months before it's released in cinemas.

In response, he said: “I cried when I read their email. It's everything I hoped for and I owe it to all of you,” adding that he knows “a guy who knows a guy who is chums” with Hemsworth.

“I think they called him tonight on my behalf,” he said.

Earlier this week, Marvel fans were treated to a trailer for the forthcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home, which see Tom Holland reprise his role as the webslinger.

Avengers: Endgame is released in cinemas on 26 April.