On the Avenue, Fifth Avenue

Easter Sunday is the time to break out that perfect bonnet, with all the frills upon it, per Irving Berlin. In New York City, it’s also an occasion for punks in leather and spikes, abundant furry rabbit ears, teens embracing in the afternoon sun, and tourists swaying and smiley after a morning of celebratory sacrament. It seemed like the whole city was out, if not specifically joyful about the ascension of Christ, then at least to enjoy the good weather. “On the avenue, Fifth Avenue, photographers will snap us,” the song goes, so Daniel Arnold obliged, heading out to the city’s infamous Easter Parade to catch all the splendor and absurdity (two of his specialties, as it happens). On a mild, blue-skied afternoon, church bells rang out, ice cream cones melted, and a bunny rode the MTA.

Originally Appeared on Vogue