What’s the average teacher salary in Modesto, Stanislaus school districts?

New data from the state shows Modesto City Schools with the highest average teacher salary in the Modesto metropolitan area — higher than the statewide average — and Patterson Joint Unified at the low end.

In Modesto City Schools, the average pay for teachers in the 2022-23 school year was $101,700, while Patterson Joint Unified had the lowest average of the local school districts at $83,065. The Bee looked at the County Office of Education and the nine largest school districts in the county.

In California, average teacher pay in public schools rose to $95,160 in the 2022-23 school year, an increase of 7.5% from the previous school year.

The Modesto Teachers Association is negotiating with Modesto City Schools for a salary increase. Teachers are looking for a 12% wage increase.

“The ability to retain and recruit educators to serve on our public-school campuses is for all school districts, including Modesto City Schools,” said MTA President Chris Peterson.

Peterson highlighted the need to attract credentialed professionals to Modesto schools especially in critical-shortage areas like special education and transitional kindergarten. He also said there’s a need for more speech and language pathologists

He said although the association and the district have differences involving salary and hours of employment, there have been agreements with class sizes, transfers and support for interns.

“MTA’s goal is to always deliver the best collective bargaining agreement for its membership,” he said.