For an avid fisherman, there’s plenty to be thankful for with Idaho’s abundant opportunity

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year. I love prepping, roasting and feasting on the turkey. My beloved Detroit Lions are always on TV (and they’re actually good this year!). And I think it’s great we have a holiday dedicated to thinking about everything we have to be grateful for.

In the spirit of keeping those Thanksgiving vibes (and leftovers) coming, here’s a list of fishing days I’m thankful for:

First Ice

As an ice fishing junkie, this one ranks near the top of my list. Every year, I look forward to taking my first crunchy steps onto a frozen lake, seeing my breath in the frosty air and wondering what ice monsters might be swimming under our feet. Early ice often means hot fishing, too. Days spent slip-sliding around trying to keep up with the bites are some of the most action-packed trips of the year. I can’t wait to break the ice on hardwater season!

Spring Fling

There is a magical day each year when warmwater species like bass and bluegill kick their metabolisms into high gear. When that moment arrives, I head straight to the lake. It’s a perfect time of year to be outside, soaking up the sun and enjoying nature. As an added bonus, a lot of the action unfolds in clear, shallow water. Look closely, and you can often watch fish chase your lures (and each other) up close!

Daddy/Daughter Dates

Nothing beats sharing your favorite things with your kids. Fishing dates with my daughters Quinn (5) and Skye (2) have become some of my favorite outings. Watching them enjoy nature firsthand, ask cute questions about the animals we encounter and experience the excitement of catching and handling fish is such a rewarding feeling. Dad life is the best life!

Trophy Hunting

Catching fish is always fun, but certain trips turn the adrenaline up a few notches. Going on a monster hunt is a great way to test your resilience and skill as an angler — and the payoff when you catch one is worth the effort! My favorite Idaho trophy quests include chasing monster Mackinaw trout at Payette Lake and Bear Lake, stalking elusive tiger muskie and hunting “Walter” trout at Henrys Lake. I also enjoy pursuing giants when I travel—a habit that has led to awesome catches like a topwater bull redfish, a four-foot-long Great Lakes muskie and a 130-pound alligator gar.

Catching Up with Friends

Fishing trips have been a staple of decades-long friendships with some of my best buddies. Time spent driving into the backcountry at zero-dark-thirty, zipping around the lake on a boat or hiking through the Idaho wilderness always brings lots of laughs, stories and time to catch up on life. Plus, having a partner or two always comes in handy when a big fish shows up!

Class in Session

For the past five years, I have been fortunate to share my passion for fishing with hundreds of local anglers through my Tight Lines 208 fishing classes. I always look forward to days in the classroom, where I get to meet cool people, talk fishing for a few hours and, oftentimes, learn something new myself. Each class is designed to help people become better anglers — and that’s definitely been true for the instructor!

What kinds of fishing days are you thankful for? Thanks to our angler-friendly confines here in the great Gem State, there are plenty of options to choose from. Happy holidays, and tight lines!

Jordan Rodriguez has been fishing Idaho waters since he was a teen. Share your fish stories, adventures and questions with him at, or visit for the latest local fishing reports and upcoming class offerings.