Avoid medicines, cure cough and cold the natural way!


The Delhi High Court recently stayed a ban that had been enforced by the government on 344 household drugs, many of them used for common cold and cough, as part of its decision to stop the manufacturing and sale of fixed dose combination drugs - a combination of two or more active drugs in a single dose form. Among the common drugs that have got momentary relief from the ban are Pfizer’s Corex cough syrup, Vicks Action 500 extra, D'Cold, Piramal’s Saridon, Abbott’s Phensedyl cough syrup – all drugs that are used on a regular basis in our homes.

One of the main drugs that government had banned was codeine, which is an ingredient in medicines such as Pfizer’s Corex syrups and Phensedyl. A once highly sought after drug for cough, codeine has fallen from grace since, primarily because of its highly addictive nature, and its drowsiness inducing side effect. The analgesic is derived from the narcotic morphine, hence the addictive and sleep inducing side effects.

Ways to tackle cold and cough naturally


Indians are known to be proponents of self-medication, especially when it comes to trying to cure cough and cold. What most people don’t realise is that there is no actual cure for cold, and medicines only offer symptomatic relief. Also, coughs are actually nature’s way of protecting our airways – a cough is a response to an irritant in the throat, and the body’s way of trying to get it out. While over the counter medicines may provide some temporary relief, they do not tackle the problem, and may have side effects that could possibly be harmful. And, while many swear by antibiotics to tackle cold/cough, there is no proof that these work and over usage of antibiotics have been known to cause drug resistance.

So, the next time you catch cold or get a cough, avoid taking over-the-counter medicines, and try out these home based remedies, instead:

Warm water/liquids: Drinking plenty of warm liquids – warm water, soup, lemon and honey water, green tea, will help you stay hydrated, and provide relief to the throat. Warm liquids also help relieve congestion and allow the mucous to flow out, and clear. Chicken soup is also great option as it helps thin the mucous and prevents neutrophils (white blood cells) from causing inflammation.

Salt water gargle: Mix ½ - ¼ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle three or four times a day. This will help soothe scratchy throats. You can also gargle using tea that contains tannins - it acts as an astringent gargle, helping to reduce the itchiness in your throat.

Take steam: Steam helps to moisten your nasal ways and bring out the mucous. Taking a warm steamy shower will also help you relax, and reduce the congestion.

Ginger and garlic: Eating whole raw garlic has been found to be a natural, effective way of easing cold. A study found out that those who consumed garlic daily for three months had fewer colds, than those who did not. This is because garlic has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and immunity boosting properties, which help keep illnesses at bay. While the best option would be to eat whole garlic raw, if you can’t take the taste, you can add it to your food, make garlic tea, or consume it with honey. Because of its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, ginger has also been found to be helpful in treating cold and cough. You can either raw, make ginger tea or consume it with lemon and honey.

Use humidifiers: Cold had a tendency to dry you out, leaving you feeling dehydrated and uneasy. Humidifiers add moisture to the air, helping to remove congestion and allowing the mucous to thin out and flow.

Avoid stress and take plenty of rest: By taking plenty of rest, your body’s immune system will get the strength to fight against the cold inducing viruses. Also avoid doing anything that can add further stress to your body, as this can increase symptoms of cold and cough, and prevent your immune system from working properly.