The "AvoSeedo" Is the Easiest Way to Grow an Avocado Tree at Home

Photo credit: Amazon
Photo credit: Amazon

From Good Housekeeping

The next time you eat an avocado, don't toss the pit. The stone inside is a homegrown science experiment in the making because - wait for it - you can use it to grow your very own avocado tree.

Given a little love, water, and lots of time, that hard center will sprout into a brand-new plant, and now there's an easier (and more adorable!) way to do it at home. Meet the "AvoSeedo." The former Kickstarter project is now available on Amazon. It's a small plastic device that simplifies the process for germination at home, helping the pit sprout in water before transplanting it to soil.

Traditionally, DIY gardeners will suspend a washed avocado pit in a bowl of water using toothpicks, but this method requires regularly checking the container to ensure the seed stays partially submerged. And this can take a while - avocado pits usually need between two to six weeks to sprout!

The AvoSeedo is a small, floating bowl with an open middle, so the pit stays sufficiently wet at all times. Plus, you don't need to worry about the kids poking and prodding hard seeds (and each other) with toothpicks.

Amazon reviewers so far love their AvoSeedos, giving it an average four-star rating."I have tried unsuccessfully for years (since I was a preteen and I am now 32!) to get an avocado seed to sprout using the toothpick method," one person wrote. "My very first try with the AvoSeedo and I have two baby trees to call my own."

Another buyer appreciated how much better the bowl looked on her windowsill compared to her husband's previous styrofoam cup and toothpick contraptions.

FYI: It's unlikely you'll get any avocados from your little tree. The plants take anywhere between five and 13 years to start producing fruit, but it's still a fun activity for curious kids or plant-loving people.

The AvoSeedo comes in four different styles - green, blue, pink, and transparent - and costs $11, or you can buy a pack of three for $21.

It's a little pricier than toothpicks, but you could earn your money back: One Amazon reviewer says they've started selling their avocado trees for $20 a piece! Fun and enterprising? We're into it.

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