Award-winning author of UFO research to speak at Hillsdale Community Library

Hillsdale Community Library has once again shot for the stars with a new event. At noon Saturday, award-winning author of “Alien Shades of Greys,” Raymond Szymanski, will present a talk on his latest book, “Swamp Gas My Ass.”

Raymond Szymanski
Raymond Szymanski

Szymanski commented on his interest in aliens and what initially started his passion for revealing his research.

“During my first week working at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base as a student-employee, my assigned mentor told me that Wright-Patt had a long history of investigating UFOs and aliens through an office that was based there called Project Blue Book," he said. “Project Blue Book was managed by the Foreign Technology Division at Wright-Patt and was an active project for 22 years. After my Mentor, Al, told me that there was a crash in the ‘40s out west and the craft and occupants were brought to Wright-Patt for evaluation and possible exploitation, my curiosity about the subject was ignited.”

As referenced by Szymanski, in 1966, on March 21, Hillsdale College received its own UFO sighting, with over 80 students, administrators, local civil defense director, and multiple police officers bearing witness. This incident was preceded by a similar one situated in Dexter Township. Several days following, the government explained the sightings as related to “swamp gas.”

“I did a talk in Dexter last year and wanted to do a finale in Hillsdale to exonerate all of those who suffered at the hands of the bullies who lied about what really happened in 1966,” Szymanski said.

Raymond Szymanski will present a talk Saturday on his latest book, “Swamp Gas My Ass.”
Raymond Szymanski will present a talk Saturday on his latest book, “Swamp Gas My Ass.”

“To those people who say that they’ve seen something in the sky that they cannot explain, I commend them for their bravery in stepping forward," he said. "Further, on June 25th, 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a nine-page unclassified report that essentially says these sightings may be flying saucers which are a safety of flight issue and a possible national security issue. Your sightings are real."

Heidi Pruitt, the adult services librarian at Hillsdale Community Library, said, “We are very excited to have Mr. Szymanski here for this presentation. Since moving to the area over 20 years ago, I have heard many people talk about the “swamp gas”/UFO story. We hope to have a good turnout because of the subject matter of his book.”

This article originally appeared on Hillsdale Daily News: Raymond Szymanski to speak at Hillsdale Community Library