Be aware of bicycles: Hilly Hundred cyclists will be on city, county streets Oct. 22-23

For more than 50 years one of the true signs of fall in south-central Indiana has been the Hilly Hundred bicycle ride, when hundreds of cyclists ride in Monroe and surrounding counties, testing their ability to pedal up and down some of the steeper hills.

The event was once headquartered at Bloomington High School North but in 2003 moved to Ellettsville's Edgewood High School. Even so, several of the Sunday routes will bring riders to the northern edge of Bloomington, coming in on Old Ind. 37 to Gourley Pike, Kinser Pike and 17th Street on the way back to Ellettsville. Currently, bicyclists can choose to ride the 30- or 50-mile routes, each of which has stops along the way including a lunch stop with live music.

Hilly Hundred festivities start Oct. 21

Festivities begin on Friday, Oct. 21, with many people sleeping in Edgewood Junior High School or tent camping around the tennis courts nearby. The ride begins on Saturday morning from the high school. For more, go to

This article originally appeared on The Herald-Times: Hilly Hundred bike tour brings cyclists to area roads in October