Azov regiment commanders are to live in private house in Turkey "for some time" Head of Ukrainian Intelligence


Ukrainian military commanders who were released from Russian captivity will live in Turkey in a private house "for some time."

Source: Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, at a briefing on the results of the exchange on 21 September

Details: When asked about the conditions under which the Ukrainian defenders will be staying in Turkey until the end of the war, Budanov replied that the Ukrainian commanders will be staying in Turkey "for a certain period of time" and will later appear in public and report on their living conditions. 

​​​​At the same time, the head of Ukrainian Intelligence added that the defenders would live in a private house in good conditions.

The military commanders did not know that they were to be exchanged. The occupiers kept them in solitary cells. The defenders believed that the invaders were taking them to their so-called "courts", with which they constantly tried to intimidate them.

Budanov added that Azov defenders were tortured. He stated that many of those who were in Olenivka had suffered brutal tortures by the occupiers.

Andrii Yermak, the head of Office of the President, emphasised that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan personally guaranteed Volodymyr Zelenskyy protection and safety of Ukrainian commanders.


  • On 21 September, Ukraine succeeded in setting 215 Ukrainian defenders free, as part of a prisoner of war swap with Russia.

  • There are border guards, police officers, marines, National Guardsmen, soldiers of Territorial Defence Forces, customs officers, and civilians among the released prisoners. In addition, Denys "Redis" Prokopenko, Serhii "Volyna" Volynskyi, Sviatoslav Palamar, Denys Shleha, Oleh Khomenko [the commanders from Azovstal steel plant] were also released. Mykola "Frost" Kushch and Kostiantyn "Fox" Nikitenko, whom the occupiers had wanted to execute, were set free as well.

  • Five commanders of Ukrainian units that defended Mariupol from Russians are currently in Turkey, under personal protection guarantees provided by President Recep Tayip Erdoğan.

  • Russia got back Viktor Medvedchuk, who has family ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and 55 Russian occupiers.

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