Baby hippo breaks out of enclosure to hang out with giraffes: 'Let him live his best life'

Sometimes, you’re just in the mood to socialize. This baby hippo felt like a social butterfly when he snuck out of his enclosure to hang out with the local giraffes.

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The hippo at Copenhagen Zoo in Denmark had a day of fun-filled adventure thanks to his curious spirit. Footage of the charming expedition was posted on TikTok by the user @the_name_is_jazzer. The cute video received over 1.1 million views on the app.

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“Baby hippo broke out of his enclosement to mess with the giraffes,” the video text stated.

The little guy seamlessly fit through the wooden fence between his enclosure and the giraffes. The hippo had a great time swimming, chewing on wires and taking a nap on the tall creatures’ turf. The giraffes, on the other hand, had to deal with the little rascal all day.

People were smitten by the baby animal’s fierce curiosity and playfulness.

“Aw love watching the baby go on it’s adventure,” a TikToker replied.

“Meanwhile his mum is calling the police frantically,” someone joked.

“Maybe the baby wants to be a giraffe or is trying to make friends,” another commented.

“He is an independent young man! Let him live his best life,” a user wrote.

“This needs to be a thing….show that baby the rest of the zoo,” a person requested.

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The post Baby hippo breaks out of enclosure to spend day playing with giraffes appeared first on In The Know.

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