Baby’s Majestic Hair Sparks Ultimate Photoshop Battle


[Photo: Imgur]

This Redditor couldn’t resist sharing a picture of herself and her unbelievably cute cousin.

The accompanying caption says: “My baby cousin has hair that looks like a news anchorman.” We couldn’t agree more.

Some quick witted photoshoppers seized the chance to turn this baby girl and her majestic tresses into, quite frankly, some of the best memes we’ve ever seen.

“Dear God, it’s Ron Swanson.” Wrote one Redditor. Their comment was quickly obliged.


[Photo: Imgur]

Several suggested Anchorman’s Ron Burgundy. They were not disappointed.


[Photo: Imgur]

Others offered their own anchorman interpretation.


[Photo: Imgur]

The little cutie pie also got a boy wizard makeover.


[Photo: Imgur]

And a face swap. Classic.


[Photo: Imgur]

Check out this new kid on the block!


We can see this baby becoming a real internet sensation!

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