Balcerzak safety upgrades under review

Sep. 2—MANKATO — A lane reduction, a roundabout, an enhanced crosswalk and a southside sidewalk are among the potential improvements coming to Balcerzak Drive in Mankato.

Crossing the busy road is difficult for pedestrians and there have been a high number of crashes at the Balcerzak-Pohl Road intersection, according to a study to be completed by the end of the year.

The study has found safety enhancements are needed, speeds need to be controlled, and a better connection is needed for walkers and bikers traveling between Cardinal Drive and the northside path along Balcerzak.

A roundabout replacing the four-way stop at Balcerzak and Pohl was suggested by a previous intersection study in 2016, and that's being reexamined as part of the current corridor study, which focuses on the area between Pohl and Victory Drive.

"We'll be taking another look at that to make sure that's still up to date and would still be recommended with current traffic conditions," said Jon Nelson, a senior civil engineer with the city.

The intersection was the scene of 15 crashes from 2018 to 2022, including three involving bicyclists or pedestrians.

Three alternatives aimed at improving conditions for pedestrians are to be presented to area residents in September, Nelson told the City Council during a work session earlier this week.

The first would reduce Balcerzak from four through-lanes to two as it approaches Cardinal Drive, reducing the distance pedestrians need to traverse to cross the road. The downside would be increased potential for rear-end collisions with vehicles on Balcerzak that are slowing or stopping to turn onto Cardinal Drive, Nelson said.

The second option would create an enhanced crosswalk at Cardinal and Balcerzak with a pedestrian-activated overhead flashing beacon.

A third alternative would add a sidewalk on the south side of Balcerzak. Pedestrians in the residential neighborhood served by Cardinal Drive would be able to use the new sidewalk to access safer crossings of Balcerzak at Pohl Road or Victory Drive.

Council members indicated that changes are needed.

"I'm getting a lot of calls," Council member Kevin Mettler said. "Balcerzak is really turning into a speeding zone."

A narrowing of the driving lanes could cause drivers to reduce speeds, Nelson said, and the lane reduction is an option because traffic volumes are not projected to rise in the years ahead.

Council President Mike Laven said the eastward extension of Stadium Road has reduced the need for a four-lane Balcerzak Drive.

"Stadium has taken a significant amount of traffic away from Balcerzak," Laven said.

Residents will be able to offer their take on the proposed changes at an open house tentatively planned for Sept. 19 at the Public Works Center. Online comments will also be taken next month.