The Baltimore Sun needs nominations: Who should join our 2023 Business and Civic Hall of Fame? | COMMENTARY

The Baltimore Sun is once again looking to recognize those who have done the most over their careers to make Maryland a better place. Over the past seven years, we have honored a diverse group of women and men who have spent much of their lives working to improve our communities. Now we’re looking for our eighth group of extraordinary individuals to induct into The Baltimore Sun’s Business and Civic Hall of Fame — and we need your help.

Our goal is to identify people whose accomplishments over their long careers should serve as an inspiration to all who seek to advance the common good. We are looking for people who have made transformational change in diverse spheres — business, government, education, science, health, civic life and the arts — and whose public lives have been firmly rooted in Maryland. Intended as a complement to our annual Marylander of the Year award, this honor recognizes recipients’ lifelong contributions.

Nominations should be sent to and include “Hall of Fame” in the subject line, along with a brief description of your nominee’s accomplishments and background in the body of the email, and the reasons why you believe he or she merits consideration. The deadline for nominations is Jan. 31.

We will consider your recommendations as well as those from The Sun’s Business and Civic Hall of Fame Selection Committee — which will consist of The Sun’s executive team and editorial board, and a panel of prominent community leaders — and announce the 2022 class of inductees in March.

The Sun will publish a special section chronicling the honorees’ lives and achievements in June and hold a public event that month to celebrate their efforts.

For inspiration, here’s the lineup of last year’s inductees:

Andre M. Davis served as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, among other courts, and as Baltimore City solicitor after retirement, while donating his skills to multiple charitable organizations.

Wanda Q. Draper was a well-known journalist before turning to community affairs and, later, the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American history & Culture, which she is credited with revitalizing.

Rebecca Alban Hoffberger founded the internationally recognized American Visionary Art Museum, which is known for exhibitions by self-taught artists focusing on social justice issues.

Earl and Darielle Linehan are noted for their philanthropy, particularly at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, where they developed and endowed the Linehan Artists Scholars Program.

Maggie McIntosh retired from the House of Delegates last year; she was the first openly gay Maryland legislator and the first woman to serve as Democratic majority leader, blazing a trail for others.

Deborah Phelps is an author, motivational speaker and the executive director of the Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools, where many say her leadership has been transformational.

E. Albert Reece retired last year as dean of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, after expanding its capabilities and funding. He now co-directs the Center for Birth Defects Research, among other roles.

Paul B. Rothman retired last summer as dean of Johns Hopkins’ medical school and the CEO of its health system. He is credited with diversifying the institution and leading its laudable response to the pandemic.

Laurie Schwartz is a tireless advocate for Baltimore’s businesses and residents, most recently serving as executive director of the nonprofit Waterfront Partnership.

Clair Zamoiski Segal is a fundraiser and the immediate past chair of the board of trustees of the Baltimore Museum of Art, where she made bold moves to modernize and increase equity.

William Stromberg retired as president and CEO of T. Rowe Price, after a 35-year career with the Baltimore-based money management firm, and serves on multiple area boards.

Alfred C.D. Vaughn served as the president of the Ministers’ Conference of Baltimore and Vicinity for multiple terms and the longtime pastor of Sharon Baptist Church in Baltimore.

For more information on past inductees, please visit

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