Barnhill council approves road work

The Veteran's Memorial display in Barnhill got a nice cleanup in time for Memorial Day.
The Veteran's Memorial display in Barnhill got a nice cleanup in time for Memorial Day.

Barnhill Village Council met in special session Wednesday evening to approve a quote of $17,200, by Carroll Asphalt and Paving Co. for the application of chip and seal Nageley Road.

The work will be completed following the installation of a catch basin on Nageley that is to assist with drainage in that area. That job is to be completed by Lanzer Excavating at a cost of $12,300. Mayor Mike Ohler stressed that the sooner both jobs are completed the better as the chip and seal bid could go up if there is a delay on work of the catch basin. Fiscal Officer Jan Aldergate then asked that a resolution be passed that will allow $30,000 from the street fund to be used towards these improvement projects.

Ohler also thanked the Family Values Lawn Care Co. for their work on cleaning up and improving the Veterans Memorial, just in time for Memorial Day. Ohler said he has gotten a lot of calls and heard many positive comments about the Memorial. It was pressure washed and repairs were made where needed. Red, white and blue tone river rock was placed around the brick exterior and new flags and flowers added.

The cost of the project was $485.

This article originally appeared on The Times-Reporter: Barnhill council approves road work