Barr confirms Justice Department is reviewing Giuliani's Ukraine info

The dirt President Trump's personal lawyer is digging up in Ukraine is making its way to the Justice Department, Attorney General William Barr confirmed Monday.

Rudy Giuliani's operation, which has targeted Trump's domestic political rivals like former Vice President Joe Biden, was at the center of the impeachment saga, and it doesn't sound like it's going anywhere. Barr said Giuliani, or anyone else for that matter, is free to provide the department with relevant information, and he and his staff have "an obligation" to leave the door open.

That said, the attorney general appears to be looking at the info skeptically. "There are a lot of agendas in Ukraine, there are a lot of cross currents, and we can't take anything we receive from Ukraine at face value," Barr said, per CNN. "For that reason we had established an intake process in the field so that any information coming in about Ukraine could be carefully scrutinized by the department and its intelligence community partners."

There have been past reports that the department has tried to distance itself from Giuliani since he became the subject of a separate investigation, but that seemingly hasn't held up in this case.

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