Barred Owl staff brings playful spirits to cocktail creation, including Cold Black Heart

Popular Barred Owl cocktail Cold Black Heart is made with tequila, spicy pepper vodka, pamplemousse rose, grapefruit, lime and lava salt.
Popular Barred Owl cocktail Cold Black Heart is made with tequila, spicy pepper vodka, pamplemousse rose, grapefruit, lime and lava salt.

Crafting cocktails for the patrons of Barred Owl Butcher and Table is a playful experience, comparable to building a puzzle, says Berrick Wahby, who works in cocktail development for the Columbia restaurant.

A strange, new request might come on any given night. In the heat of the moment, a bartender must turn to face the abundance of spirits on Barred Owl's shelves, then select their own puzzle pieces to complete the picture for the first time.

"People walk in asking for some crazy drink that they had at some bar on the other side of the world. ... Nine out of 10 times, we can probably make it," Wahby said.

But Wahby and the staff relish playing the longer game. Before the lights ever come on over Barred Owl's bar, gleaming off bottles and glassware, they dream up fresh offerings. Working from a handful of classic cocktail styles, they augment and alter these standards with seasonal and local ingredients.

The culture of mixology is serious business, studied like a science, Wahby admitted. But it serves a delicious end.

"At the end of the day, we’re just making fun drinks for people to relax and have a good time," Wahby said.

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The Barred Owl vision

The restaurant, located at 47 E. Broadway, considers itself "equal parts New World butcher shop and Old World delicatessen," its website states.

And Barred Owl "fare is inspired by Missouri's bounty and the changing of the seasons. Every dish and cocktail we produce is guided by our conscious and constant effort to source responsibly and prepare food deliciously."

This means patrons can swing by and carry out a variety of meats, cheeses, bread and more. Or they can stay awhile, surveying a dining menu that rotates weekly, if not daily, Wahby said.

In concert with its culinary approach, the restaurant's bar seeks to balance three elements: classic style, a "delicious twist" and a house-made product or ingredient; this is the vision original bar manager Andrew Ruth brought to Barred Owl, Wahby said.

The restaurant's "whole-animal philosophy" and desire for a seamless experience yields a "symbiotic relationship" between kitchen and bar staff, Wahby said. The bar receives its own share of ingredients ranging from seasonal fruit to root vegetables — any and all of which can end up in a cocktail.

What's more, the kitchen trusts Wahby's waste-not, want-more approach, in which peach pits can be used to make bitters, stemmed peppers are converted into shrubs — a sort of cocktail syrup made with fruits or vegetables, vinegar and sugar — and the liquid drained from berries destined for a pie might become part of the next great Barred Owl drink.

The 'Heart' of the cocktail menu

As with its food menu, Barred Owl rotates drinks in and out. But its bar maintains a greater array of staples.

Perhaps its most popular cocktail, the Cold Black Heart sounds like a country song or pirate vessel — but is more refreshing than either. The drink can be summed as a "spicy grapefruit margarita," Wahby said.

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A house-made pepper vodka, infused with anchos, guajillos, bell peppers, poblanos and other pepper varieties, splits tequila, Wahby said, then is met by a French grapefruit liqueur as well as lime and grapefruit juices. The final touch: a black lava salt, which decorates the rim.

The drink pairs well with one of Barred Owl's true menu mainstays — the shrimp and grits, Wahby said; a quintessential Barred Owl experience would involve ordering a butcher board and chasing it with a Cold Black Heart, Wahby added.

Among the other Barred Owl classics: the Manhattan Fashioned, in which a rye old-fashioned is poured over a bourbon Manhattan ice cube. The drink presents like an old-fashioned, Wahby said, "but as the ice begins to melt, the vermouth and the bourbon incorporate their way into the drink and you are now drinking a Manhattan."

The Southbound offers drinkers their choice of house-smoked tequila or bourbon, which mixes with a pepper shrub and mole bitters. The drink is "un-sourceable outside of our restaurant," made completely from "house-affected" ingredients, Wahby said.

The drink allows Wahby to say something that reflects the restaurant's personality and desire: "You can only get a Southbound at Barred Owl."

To learn more about Barred Owl, including a peek at its extensive cocktail menu, visit

Aarik Danielsen is the features and culture editor for the Tribune. Contact him at or by calling 573-815-1731. Find him on Twitter @aarikdanielsen.

This article originally appeared on Columbia Daily Tribune: Columbia's Barred Owl serves up creative cocktails, seasonal menus