A baseball fan jumped out of the stands as he tried (and failed) to catch Aaron Judge's record-setting home run

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  • Aaron Judge hit his 62nd home run of the season on Tuesday night, setting an AL record.

  • A fan in left field attempted to retrieve the ball by jumping down from his seats and hoping to secure a rebound.

  • The brave fan fell short of his goal, as a fan that remained in the stands made a sure-handed catch.

Aaron Judge is the new American League home run king.

On Tuesday night in Arlington, Texas, the Yankees slugger went yard for the 62nd time this season, breaking Roger Maris' record that has stood since 1961.

Jesus Tinoco of the Texas Rangers threw the fateful pitch in the top of the first inning of an eventual 3-2 Rangers win, cementing his legacy as a trivia answer for decades to come.

While replays of Judge's home run began to circulate, one fan in the stands immediately caught the collective attention of the internet.

Just before the ball leaves the yard, a fan to the left of the screen appears to jump over the railing into the space between the wall and outfield stands, likely hoping to catch the home run ball if it careened out of the crowd that was soon to be scrambling for it.

It was an admirably bold strategy, but it ultimately didn't work out, as another fan — who remained in his seat, glove in hand — caught the ball cleanly.

While jumping from the stands onto an active athletic field is never to be advised, when an historic baseball is on the line, people make rash decisions.

The fan who caught the ball was non-committal when asked what he intended to do with it. In Judge's post-game press conference, he acknowledged that the fate of the ball wasn't up to him.

Regardless of where the ball ends up, let's hope that fan who jumped from the stands made it home with little more than a bruised ego.

Read the original article on Insider