Battle of Richmond to host holiday service

Nov. 29—The Battle of Richmond will host a special Christmas service at Mt. Zion Christian Church on Dec. 9, featuring a holiday sermon and music from the Central Kentucky Brass Quintet.

Reverend Roger Hurt said the sermon will promote the true "reason for the season with a mixture of scripture and Christmas carols.

He will discuss nine "lessons" from the Bible, beginning with the story of Adam and Eve, trekking through the familiar Biblical tales to the birth of Jesus Christ.

"The lessons tell that story of why we bother with Christmas at all," the reverend explained. "Our secular society has made Christmas to be about Santa Claus, and the reindeer, and Frosty the Snowman, but that's not the reason why we have Christmas...So we're hoping to remind people of what the Christmas season is all about, and that is coming of the savior."

According to Phillip Seyfrit, curator at the Battle of Richmond Visitors Center, the plans to hold the service at Mt. Zion Christian Church — a former Civil War hospital — has been in development since March.

Furthermore, Seyfrit added, there will be an opportunity to give back to the community, as the free public service will be a donation space for Project Warm Feet, an initiative meant to give the gift of warmth during the coldest time of year.

Attendees are encouraged to bring pre-packaged socks of all sizes to the service. The socks will be transported to the Salvation Army, who will disburse them to those who need them throughout the year.