A bear was hit by a car, then someone stole its head. Colorado cops want answers

Colorado authorities say someone driving along U.S. 285 hit a black bear with their vehicle Tuesday night, and when police and wildlife officials showed up to the scene, parts of the animal were missing.

Colorado State Patrol and Colorado Parks and Wildlife both responded to the site of the collision, believed to have occurred between 9:30 p.m. and midnight, Out There Colorado reported.

Police were the first on scene, and quickly discovered the 300-pound black bear’s head had been taken, CPW spokesman Jason Clay told McClatchy News, and not by the driver.

A second person in another vehicle is responsible for harvesting the parts, he said.

“This does not happen often, but it can from time to time,” Clay said. “Whether that be due to people not understanding the law, or people who just want to have possession of those trophy parts.”

It’s actually legal to take edible parts of a roadkill animal in Colorado, Clay told McClatchy News, but only with a permit from Colorado Parks and Wildlife obtained within 48 hours of the animal’s death. A bear’s head does not qualify, Clay said.

Anyone with information is asked to contact to the CSP or CPW at 303-329-4501, outlets report.