How I became a blogger and podcaster: Lauryn Evarts Bosstick

Our series “How I became a …” digs into the stories of accomplished and influential people, finding out how they got to where they are in their careers.

Lauryn Evarts Bosstick does it all, and she does it well. As the founder and blogger behind The Skinny Confidential, Evarts Bosstick is at the helm of a massive brand that includes a blog, a book, a podcast and millions of followers. When she’s not typing away on blog posts or posting Instagram stories, Evarts Bosstick is still creating content as the co-host of The Skinny Confidential Him & Her podcast, which has garnered over 54 million listens and has featured everyone from Tony Robbins to Jessica Alba.

USA TODAY caught up with the branding multi-hyphenate to talk about everything from iced coffee and autobiographies to embracing the art of passive multitasking and the chaos that comes along with entrepreneurship.

Question: How did you get your start?

Lauryn Evarts Bosstick: I was attending San Diego State University, bartending from 3 p.m. to midnight, waking up teaching Pure Barre and pilates, and taking 19 units full-time at school. I was not fulfilled at all and realized that the reason I wasn’t fulfilled was because I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I saw that gap and also saw that there was a gap with students. They were making people pay $800 a semester to be in a sorority and have friends, and I was like… wait. How can I do this on my own terms, and bring women from all over the world together for like-minded for free, and build a brand at the same time? I started The Skinny Confidential because I wanted it to be a place where you could get the “skinny.” You could get the juice. I just really wanted to have this community online, and that’s exactly what I sought out to build. That was 10 years ago.

Q: What does a typical day look like for you?

Evarts Bosstick: Every day is so different. As a content creator, you have to be able to pivot, and I always say that if you want structure, it’s probably better to go the employee route. If you want chaos, that’s entrepreneurship. Stuff is thrown at you all the time.

I’m pretty strategic about my mornings, and very specific about the way I wake up. I think it sets the tone for your day, and waking up and looking at your phone first thing is not productive. I immediately wake up, open the blinds, make the bed and move. I do this thing called light, movement, hydration, and walk to get coffee to move my body while hydrating with tons of mint-lemon water every single morning. I usually wait to hydrate until I get my coffee, I drink my coffee, and then immediately I go and work out. I don’t check my phone in the morning, I don’t check my text messages, and my notifications are off. The only thing I do is put on a podcast (something to get my wheels spinning, like Ed Mylett, Gary Vee, Rachel Hollis).

After my workout, I Postmates whatever smoothie I’m having – I spend my money on my time, and I’m very strategic about investing money in my time so I can continue to create – so my smoothie is waiting for me at the door. I probably clean the house for 10 minutes to get everything organized, and then I sit down and write a list of seven things that I need to get done that day starting with the No. 1 priority (the Ivy Lee method).

I’m really cognizant about not being reactive to other people. I try to be proactive, so that means getting things done that are going to move the needle done as opposed to all the busywork. I definitely had to learn that the hard way: working on my business, not working in it. Then it’s emails, conference calls and a lot of time batching. Every day is different, and content creation definitely is a seven-days-a-week job. I’ve tried to take two or three days a month off to do nothing, which is hard but rejuvenating.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about your job?

Evarts Bosstick: I get to wake up and create my own future. I think the reason I was depressed at San Diego State, looking back, was that I was being reactive to what everyone else wanted me to do, checking all the boxes for society. Now, I wake up and I create my own future and create my destiny, and I designed that myself. That’s what really gets me off.

Q: To what do you credit your success?

Evarts Bosstick: It’s a recipe. I’m nowhere near where I want to be, and I feel like I’ve nowhere nicked the part of the potential of what I want to do, but thus far it’s a medley. It’s hard work, discipline, drive, a lot of sacrifices, staying focused, and focusing on my own (expletive) – really staying true to my own voice and beating to the tune of my own drum – and a lot of strategies, planning, and time batching.

Q: How do you balance work, life, and such a busy schedule?

Evarts Bosstick: A big part of my life is my job because I’m sharing my journey on social media. I definitely do a lot of self-care: I’m doing a facial while I’m answering an hour of emails, I schedule an interview while I’m getting my nails done. I get a lot of facials – probably a facial a week, which sounds absurd – but I’m able to sit there, uninterrupted, for an hour getting self-care done and returning a hundred emails and going through my direct messages and planning what the week’s going to look like. Or, I’ll get a blowout while I work on a blog post.

I think there’s a lot of creative ways now to passively multitask. You’re driving in the car: are you listening to a podcast that’s going to entertain, educate or inspire you? Are you doing something that is moving the needle in some direction? So, I don’t just do my makeup or bake a cake: I’m always consuming content that’s going to make me better, whether that’s a book on tape, a podcast or YouTube. I’m always doing passive things while I’m doing something productive. So, if I am getting a facial or my nails done or something for myself, I’m trying to either learn or work toward something and I think that’s really helped with my business.

Q: What have been some of your career highlights?

Evarts Bosstick: Hitting 50 million downloads on the podcast was huge for us. Also, interviewing people like Jessica Alba, Gary Vee, Tony Robbins, Kristin Cavallari and Jillian Michaels who are such experts in their field, and being able to bring them on my platform where I know they’re going to be able to enhance all of these other people’s lives.

The community for me is so important. That’s number one. I communicate with my audience on a daily basis, and I think that I’ve really tried to cultivate a strong community to where if I disappeared and went away, the community would still be strong. They have created their own community without me, and that’s really awesome, and what I wanted to do from the beginning.

Q: What advice would you give to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps?

Evarts Bosstick: Think of it like an upside-down triangle. Start with a niche – I started with health and fitness – and slowly expand out. Don’t feel like you have to tell the whole story at once. I was really careful about how I introduced the characters in my life, and everything had a story. It was very slow and strategic. I’ve built this brand over ten years, and I still have a long way to go, but it’s been 10 years.

People will message me and say “I’ve been blogging for a year and I haven’t made any money.” I blogged for three years straight and didn’t make a dime. I think my intention going into it was to build a brand, so I didn’t look to monetize right away. I knew I was building a house of bricks, not a house of straw, so I was fine without making money for three years. I had a side hustle, and if you really love it so much then you’re OK with not monetizing right away.

Also, intention’s so important. So many people are blogging nowadays because they want to post pretty pictures of themselves, and while that’s part of the job and it’s fun, it’s like: what’s your intention? When I first went into it, my intention was to provide tangible takeaways, tips, tricks, and advice to my audience where they could go and apply it to their own life and it could enhance their life. To this day, that is still my goal with every piece of content I create. I never want to waste anyone’s time. If you watch my Instagram story, I don’t want to just take you on my day. I want to give you those tangible takeaways.

Quick hits

• What’s your coffee order? An iced coffee with unsweetened almond milk, cinnamon, and nutmeg. I ask them to shake it all together over ice. (I’m pregnant, so my coffee order right now is a tiny bit of coffee – like five sips – and matcha tea).

• What’s your favorite book? I’m a huge reader, and I read probably a book a week. I’m a big fan of autobiographies, and my current favorite is “Scar Tissue” by Anthony Kiedis. For business, I would recommend “The Brand Gap” by Marty Neumeier.

• What’s your favorite song of the moment? I’m really into Marty Robbins’ music right now.

• Who’s been your biggest mentor? My husband is a mentor – I look to him for business advice and logic. He’s very logical and pragmatic, and I appreciate that. I have a mentor I met bartending and building The Skinny Confidential who is very behind-the-scenes but offers a lot of good advice when it comes to building a strategic future. Also, my manager owns a business called Digital Brand Architects, Raina Penchansky, and she’s a mentor as well.

What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done? Skiing the Swiss Alps, skydiving, reading Gary Vee’s “Crush It,” applying his principles, and ending up in his book “Crushing It,” writing a book, and building a very solid relationship with my husband. We’re very united and committed to the same vision.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: How Lauryn Evarts Bosstick became founder of TheSkinny Confidential.
