Bemidji State University hosts 2022 NMRC programming camp

Jun. 30—BEMIDJI — In partnership with

Bemidji State University,

the Northern Minnesota Robotics Conference recently held a two-day robotics programming camp on the BSU campus for the first time in two years after a hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic.

First held in summer 2018, the camp began after NMRC member teams identified programming skills as one of the top priorities for student growth.

"These skills are not only necessary for our teams to be successful on the field but needed in business and industry within our communities in order for them to thrive as well," NMRC President Jesse Frost said in a release.

A total of 28 students took part this year coming from teams in Warroad, Cass Lake, Nevis, Pine River-Backus, Perham, Frazee-Vergas, Becker, Big Fork, Babbitt, Stephen-Argyle, Crosby-Ironton, Pillager and Hatton-Northwood, N.D.

Students participated in either the level one or level two programming course in which they wrote code, deployed code to the robots and tested the programs they wrote through a variety of hands-on activities.

In addition to the courses, students participated in campus tours and received presentations on post-secondary opportunities at BSU.

They also heard from industry experts at Paul Bunyan Communications about opportunities in northern Minnesota, in which their programming skills could be used in the future.

More information can be found at