Ben And Jerry's Two New Cookie-Inspired Flavors Are Only Available At Walmart Right Now

Photo credit: Ben & Jerry's
Photo credit: Ben & Jerry's

From Delish

Unlike the massive fuss and year-long planning that went into the drop of Ben & Jerry's snackable cookie dough, the brand's two newest flavors sort of just appeared in stores recently-no pomp and circumstance. Don't go running to your nearest scoop shop to find them, though. Walmart got the exclusive.

Red, White & Blueberry and Ice Cream Sammie are like summer in a pint. The first is a swirl of blueberry, raspberry, and vanilla ice cream, with strawberries and shortbread pieces. It's kind of begging to be served at your Memorial Day cookout-and Fourth of July, too, if it's still available then. If the snappy description on Ben & Jerry's site is any sort of hint, it might just be: "Every spoonful's a salute to taste beyond the fruited plain." Super patriotic, no?

The second pint, Ice Cream Sammie, is basically what it sounds like: a deconstructed ice cream sandwich. It's all the pleasure of eating the sandwich without all the, it's perfection. The base is vanilla ice cream, and it's filled with chocolate sandwich cookies and chocolate cookie swirls. It's somewhat similar to Ben & Jerry's Milk and Cookies pint, which has vanilla ice cream, a chocolate cookie swirl, and chocolate chip and chocolate chocolate chip cookies. Instagram user @thecoldhardscoop said of the new pint: "Just as in one of their OG greats, Milk and Cookies, mix ins are so dense throughout the pint that you never really get a pure scoop of the average vanilla base alone."

The Cold Hard Scoop: Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Sammie ____________________________________ Ice Cream Sammie is “vanilla ice cream, chocolate sandwich cookies, and chocolate cookie swirls.” BnJ certainly isn’t breaking any ground with this new @walmart exclusive BUT I do love a well-executed cookies ‘n cream pint and this certainly checks that box! Just as in one of their OG greats, Milk and Cookies, mixins are so dense throughout the pint that you never really get a pure scoop of the average vanilla base alone. The exceptional chocolate cookie swirl (one of the best mixins in the BnJ lineup) joins forces with the "just-ok" vanilla base to create what is a pretty strong cookies and cream base. Nearly every single bite of my pint included the delicious chocolatey crunch of the swirl! Really the only difference between this pint and Milk and Cookies is the chocolate sandwich cookie, as opposed to the classic chocolate chip in MnC....BnJ definitely comes through here! Not only are these chunks consistent from top to bottom, but some are absolute MONSTERS!! At the bottom of my pint I even ran into an entire cookie, Graeter’s style!! These chunks also have that great soggy/soft yet slightly crunchy texture that you get when you dip your cookie in milk, and they pack a great flavor that is right on par with that of an authentic Oreo. Though I wish BnJ would’ve been a little more creative with the new release, this is a very well-executed pint....certainly a tasty addition to the lineup! I’d say, depending on your preference (Oreo vs. Chocolate Chip) you may like this one more than the OG Milk and Cookies. If you’re a CnC fan, this is an absolute must-scoop! ____________________________________ RATING: 9/10 ____________________________________ #thecoldhardscoop #tampafoodie #nolafoodie #icecream #iifym #flexibledieting #omad #balancednotclean #gainz #cheatday #cheatmeal #flexibledieting #foodbeast #foodie #benandjerrys #icecreamsandwich #oreo #chocolate #cookie #cookiesandcream #foodreview #poweredbyicecream #icecreamlover #goodeats #exclusive #chocolate

A post shared by Biggs’s Bites (@thecoldhardscoop) on Apr 23, 2019 at 9:05am PDT

No word yet on how long these suckers will stick around, so start praying to the ice cream gods-or whatever you do to ensure a long, fulfilled ice cream shelf life.

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