Berks orthodontics office moves into new building in Wyomissing

Oct. 2—ROG Orthodontics is known among generations of Berks County residents for repairing smiles, according to Beth Parisi Daly.

But teeth aren't the only thing ROG has been busy fixing: The Wyomissing business recently held a ribbon cutting celebrating its renovation and move into a new flagship office at 840 Penn Ave.

The ribbon cutting Wednesday was attended by local government officials and state Sen. Judy Schwank, D-11th Dist.

"I think it's cool when you can give new life to an old building," said Parisi Daly of ROG. "You see so many old buildings standing empty. I think it was neat what we did."

Parisi Daly said ROG spent most of 2022 transforming the two-story colonial brick structure — formerly occupied by Santander Bank — into a location where patients can feel comfortable and welcome.

ROG completed its move into the new building in January.

A few changes are immediately noticeable from the outside — ROG swapped out the first-floor windows and replaced the pillared portico with an enclosed glass vestibule.

"It's quite lovely, the foyer," Parisi Daly said, "There is a change of air as you come into the building."

Much of the interior work involved outfitting the former teller area with dental chairs and other orthodontics equipment.

The first floor's open layout is typical among orthodontics offices and resembles ROG's previous setup at its former location, 1268 Penn Ave., but with an updated, minimalist modern style.

The second floor was already equipped with office space, so paint and new carpets were mostly what was needed there, Parisi Daly noted.

The move was needed due to a lack of parking and special needs access at ROG's previous location, according to Parisi Daly.

She said ROG built its former office 50 years ago, at a time when there were fewer businesses, less traffic, and less of a need for parking along the Wyomissing strip of Penn Avenue.

The new building has a lot with 46 parking spaces, along with wheelchair accessibility.

Parisi Daly said parting with the previous building was bittersweet, as it was built by the founders and served as ROG's headquarters for decades.

That building is now occupied by Muhlenberg Greene Architects Ltd.

She said finding the new location only a few blocks down from ROG's former building was fortunate, since it meant ROG could maintain its roots as a third-generation family business in Wyomissing.

"People are very familiar (with ROG), grandmothers are driving their grandkids to their appointment, and they'll say 'oh, I was treated here,'" Parisi Daly said. "We love that. There's a legacy here because we have that experience and have been established for so long."

That legacy extends to ROG staff—whose ranks include Dr. Natalie Parisi, daughter of founder Dr. Vincent Parisi, and a tight-knit team of dedicated professionals.

Their product, Parisi Daly said, is an orthodontics operation that sets the standard for treatment in the area.

"Like anything else, orthodontics is changing," Parisi Daly said, "We're always learning new technology and offering the highest level of care for our patients."

Those offerings include newer technologies like Damon braces and clear aligners, Parisi Daly noted.

ROG also operates two satellite locations in Douglassville and Lower Pottsgrove township in Montgomery County.

The Douglassville location is open Monday and Wednesday, and the Lower Pottsgrove site is open Tuesday and Thursday.

ROG's central office in Wyomissing is open Monday through Friday.