Bernie Rabik: Commitment to stability

Bernie Rabik
Bernie Rabik

Friday convocations at St. Benedict’s Preparatory School in Newark, N.J., often resemble an old-school tent revival. After prayer, students rock side to side with linked arms, singing uplifting Gospel songs, and afterward echo the “Friday affirmation” to the person on the left or right: “I love you! You’re worth it!” they all shout in unison.

This tradition continued virtually when the school took its classes online during the pandemic, and with good reason. According to Benedictine monk Edwin D. Leahy, a 1963 graduate of the school and its headmaster since 1973, this tradition of a daily morning meeting is “the most important part of the day.”

At morning convocation, students take attendance, make announcements, pray and sing. At convocation, students and faculty are reminded of why they come to school every day. It is where each student is reminded of his or her value in the community, and where each student’s place in the school legacy is reinforced.

After more than a year of having their lives disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the legacy of St. Benedict’s remains solid. Enrollment has remained strong. A 153-year-old K-12 school run by Benedictine monks in downtown Newark, the school has made a name for itself for “allowing the students to lead the school,” and excelling in leadership, community building and athletics.

In the midst of chaos and attention, Father Leahy attributes the school’s success to its commitment to stability which is one of three vows that Benedictine monks and nuns take. The monks and the school have remained despite the challenges associated with a large urban area.

Stability is rooted in the example and witness of St. Benedict himself, who determined that once a monk or nun joins a particular monastery, he or she will stay there for life instead of being transferred around. Stability means growing where you’re planted and not always looking for greener pastures

Being in Rome during the collapse and seeing the lack of stability, St. Benedict had that desire to settle into one place and stay there.

Stability is the person with few regrets. It is future-oriented. Stability increases productivity. For example, my wife and I have been married for 45 years. During these years there have been no regrets, and we continue to be future-oriented.

Focusing on the past is making faith a museum piece.

Stability has so many layers. Need stability to climb mountains. You move ahead and don’t look back.

In the end, stability makes for a good monk and the rest of us good.

Special thanks to Archabbot Martin R. Bartel, O.S.B., St. Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, PA, for his insightful contributions to this column.

Bernard Rabik, a Hopewell Township attorney, is a columnist for The Times.

This article originally appeared on Beaver County Times: Rabik: Commitment to stability