Bessemer City candidates answer questions

The Gaston Gazette recently asked candidates for Bessemer City mayor and City Council a few questions ahead of Election Day. Here are responses from those who chose to participate:

Bessemer City CouncilMichael Brooks

Age: 39

Political Party: Republican

Michael Brooks
Michael Brooks
  1. What will your priorities be for your municipality if you are elected?

Public safety, water quality issues, filling down town empty spaces, and determining & making wise and sound decisions when it comes to spending tax payer money.

  1. What qualifications or qualities do you bring to your town or city council?

I currently serve in many capacities that serve the citizens of Bessemer City. I currently serve as the chairman of the Bessemer City ABC Board. I currently serve as one of the assistant fire chief of the Bessemer City Fire Department. I have served as an assistant baseball coach for our city youth. I have helped coordinate a Christmas fundraiser (Polar Plung) with Steve Jenkins body shop to provide Christmas for less fortunate kids as well as a donation giver of this event. I am currently the vice president of a multi million dollar company and supervise around 50 employees across three organizations.

  1. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or any other serious criminal offense? If so, what was the charge and the date of your conviction?I have never been convicted of a felony or any serious criminal offense. In fact, I’ve never been arrested period.

  1. What will you do to make your town a better place to live?

I will strive for businesses that will benefit our community besides big businesses. Restaurants are one thing that is commonly spoke about here in Bessemer City. Bessemer City has one grocery store option, not saying we have room for a second, but I will push to upgrade the one we have. The cost of everything is up, and residents of Bessemer City should be able to shop in a decent grocery store and not have to travel to a neighboring city to do so.

  1. Why did you decide to run for election?

Because it’s time for a change of pace, a breath of fresh air, and new ideas. The current administration has done some great things in the past and some things that have residents mad about the choices made. I hope to be that change, and restore some faith in our elected representatives to get Bessemer City on track for the future.

Bessemer City Mayor

Aaron Grosdidier

Political Party: Unaffiliated

Aaron Grosdidier
Aaron Grosdidier

1. What will your priorities be for your municipality if you are elected?

As mayor of Bessemer City, I will focus on financial transparency with regards to any projects and expenditures. The information regarding various projects within this city is difficult to locate, and the financials can be difficult for the average citizen to understand. I want this information to be easily accessible to everyone in Bessemer City so that our citizens can be fully knowledgeable about what is going on in our community. I plan to address our citizens’ concerns regarding the water as we have failed multiples tests within the past few years.

2. What qualifications and qualities do you bring to your city council?

As a business owner, having the support of the citizens and being accessible to my customers when they have concerns is important to me. I have also developed budgetary and leadership skills through business ownership. I am an approachable person who is willing to hear out others. I have immense empathy and compassion for those who are most vulnerable and will be their voice. I want to support my fellow citizens through the development of new opportunities and programs to provide this community with the support that it needs. I plan to govern my community through Matthew 25:35-37.

3. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or other serious offense?

No. I have never been arrested or convicted of a felony. This does not mean that I do not have empathy for those who have had troubled lives. Does a speeding ticket count as a serious offense?

4. What will you do to make your town a better place to live?

I will advocate for my citizens with whatever concerns that they bring to me. I will voice my opinions about what is needed in this community. I will advocate for an assisted living facility so that our elderly are able to remain in this community while aging with grace and receiving the assistance and care that they need. I will never stop advocating for transparency regarding the financials of this town and will support all our local businesses equally. I will work closely with our police force to fight any drug problem that may face my community.

5. Why did you decide to run for mayor? 

Multiple citizens have come to me and expressed their concerns for Bessemer City which have been dismissed by the current administration. The citizens are ready for change and I am sure I can be the change that our citizens are ready for. While I may not be from Bessemer City, I love my city. I want to see my fellow citizens happy, healthy, and thriving.

Bessemer City Mayor Becky Smith reacts during the City Council meeting in this Gazette file photo.
Bessemer City Mayor Becky Smith reacts during the City Council meeting in this Gazette file photo.

Becky Steelman Smith

Age:  71

Political Party affiliation: Republican

  1. What will your priorities be for your municipality if you are elected? 

I have always wanted what is best for Bessemer City. It will always be a priority for me to have a "small town atmosphere" with managed growth to provide the citizens with residential and commercial developments.

  1. What qualifications or qualities do you bring to your town or city council?I have served on the Council for 8 years and have had the honor and privilege to serve as Mayor for 12 years.  I love Bessemer City and always want what is best for the citizens.

  1. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or any other serious criminal offense? No.

  1. What will you do to make your town a better place to live? Make sure any growth is managed growth. We don't want to be compared to a larger city, we are happy being Bessemer City and just want to keep it getting better and safer. As we have managed growth, we strive to welcome new citizens and businesses that have chosen to make Bessemer City their new home.

  2. Why did you decide to run for election?  As I said earlier, I love this city and I will always want what is best for Bessemer City. I feel I am running for the right reasons because I have Bessemer City in my heart and want to see positive change for this wonderful city. There have been vast improvements in the last couple of years, and I want to see this continue.

Michael Meeks
Michael Meeks

Michael Meeks Sr

Age: 74

Political Party affiliation: Independent

  1. What will your priorities be for your municipality if you are elected?

The last administration was not strong on bringing everyone to the table. Things are improving and it is up to every resident to educate themselves and hold especially elected officials accountable. My regular attendance at City Council meetings and other city functions has shown me that more visibility decreases misinformation and it is time for the city to provide media access (YouTube/Facebook/streaming) to meetings as most of our surrounding towns and cities already do. Several Facebook pages have been created to share information and keep people informed but remember that all city and county meetings are open to the public and you have every right to contact your elected representative at any time. The city page is and includes a meeting calendar.

  1. What qualifications or qualities do you bring to your town or city council? 

Being President and Chairman of Difference Committees and bringing people together.

My involvement with many diverse groups over a period of years has taught me that communication and transparency are critical to the success of a city

  1. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or any other serious criminal offense? If so, what was the charge and the date of your conviction? No.

  2. What will you do to make your town a better place to live? 

Our downtown is pretty grim. There are incentives for investors but I think we need some more simple and direct options. The city and Chamber of Commerce need to work on the same page and work together as a unit so efforts are not duplicated. People thought Osage would never happen and we see progress. New industrial is being added to Southpark Parkway. Bessemer City is a great town to live in

  1. Why did you decide to run for election?

With this election there is an opportunity to bring in some new faces and new ideas along with new enthusiasm. No matter who wins I hope that everyone who cared enough to run will continue to show up and participate in Bessemer City.

This article originally appeared on The Gaston Gazette: Bessemer City candidates answer questions