The Best Christmas Pageant Ever shines under the direction of Karen Farmer

Dec. 20—THOMASVILLE- Under the direction of Karen Farmer, Thomasville On Stage and Company completed the 2022 season with one final performance of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever on Sunday afternoon.

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever follows the outrageous shenanigans of the Herdman Children, Ralph (Hunter Walton), Imogene (Tayler Vann), Leroy (Henry Edge), Claude (Xavier Graves), Ollie (Caleb Hart) and Gladys (Emmalyne Schober), otherwise known as "the worst kids in the history of the world," as they take over the annual Christmas pageant.

For Farmer, the play had long been a favorite.

"When I was growing up, my church always presented the traditional Christmas pageant, complete with bedsheets, bathrobes and shiny tinsel halos made with wire clothes hangers," she said. "Everyone knew the story. Every year there was one young girl who felt she had moved up in the world if she was chosen to step out of the angel choir and be Mary."

However, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever offers a zany spin on that classic Christmas pageant Farmer speaks of.

"I have many pleasant memories of sharing the book with my students over the years and learning the Christmas story is not one everybody knows, as the Herdmans hear it for the first time, and help us see it from a different perspective," Farmer said. "It's new and somewhat puzzling. How did the people long ago not know what was happening? Kings and villains searching for a little tiny baby? Not your everyday typical story, for sure."

Farmer shared the story was actually written in the 70's, resulting in some older taboos, such as the doctor piercing ears and not saying the word "pregnant," and while she wanted to keep those taboos in the story to show how different the Herdmans were, she also added in some modern touches to make the story feel relevant to today's audience.

Attendees could see various "church members" texting and calling each other immediately after the Herdmans attended their first play practice, despite being in the middle of playing pickle ball, shopping or taking their cat to veterinary appointments.

"They all added something to make it their own character," Farmer said.

The crowd seemed to enjoy the nods to the modern ways of gossip and spreading information, as Farmer said they had several sold-out shows throughout the week.

For some of the child actors and actresses a sold-out show was a huge deal, due to it being their first performance.

Abigail Graves, who played an angel and little Beverly, debuted in the show, along with Hannah Stone and Mallory Tucker, who also played an angel.

Farmer gave all the glory to both her new cast members and ones who had been on stage for years, saying it could not have been done without them.

While directors typically only get to produce one show a year, Farmer said she would love to direct the Best Christmas Pageant Ever again next year.

She concluded by inviting everyone to join TOSAC again in February for the opening of their season with The Two Musketeers