These are your top Mexican restaurants in all of SLO County. Now vote for the very best

One thing is clear based on turnout for our first two rounds of polling — SLO County locals love their Mexican food.

Our first round of polling closed on June 2 and featured Mexican food restaurants along the North Coast and in the North County.

Later in the month, we listed South County and San Luis Obispo establishments for our second round of polling, which closed on June 23.

We grabbed the top five vote-getters from each region in this final round of polling, where we ask Tribune readers to cast their vote for the very best Mexican food restaurant in SLO County.

Remember that this poll is non-scientific and all in good fun. To vote again, hit refresh on your browser. If the poll isn’t loading, try turning off your ad-blocker.

You can vote as many times as you’d like, but you can only choose one Mexican food spot in this final showdown.

The poll closes at midnight on July 5, at which point we will announce the establishment that received the most votes.