The best peanut butter and jelly sandwich? It's a cookie!

How many can you stack? (Los Angeles Times Photo by Genevieve Ko)

Hi! As the cooking editor of the L.A. Times, I’ve cooked some really fancy dishes. But a PB&J remains one of my favorite things to make. I put so much peanut butter and jam on my soft bread that when I take a bite, they squish out all over the place.

Since I create new recipes for a living (and for fun!), I wanted to figure out a way to make the sandwich even better. Obviously, the answer is cookies! Peanut butter cookies are the first thing I ever baked when I was six years old and here, I’ve turned them into the “bread” that sandwiches jam.

All you need for the cookies is six ingredients, a bowl and a spoon. You can mix the dough, scoop it into balls and smash those balls flat by yourself. You may need an adult to get them in and out of the oven, but you definitely can sandwich in the jam on your own. And if you add so much that it squirts out all over the place? Well, that’s how I do it too.