The best restaurants in North Jersey for hot dogs, pizza, ice cream and more

Warm weather goes well with nearly everything: outdoor dining, cocktails on rooftop bars, big swirling cones of ice cream, greasy pizza, blistered hot dogs.

There are just certain foods that are better experienced when the sun is shining and your shoulders aren't weighed down by a puffy jacket. Our summer guide is an ode to these foods.

As we transition from heavy stews and hot toddies, these are the restaurants you should be dining at for dishes and drinks that are light, bright and perfect for the summertime.

The best restaurants, hot dogs, pizza and more

Best places to dine out: These are the stalwarts. The restaurants that are great any time of year, not just during the summer. But the summer does present a great time to try those you haven't been to yet.

Paper Plane Coffee Co. opened in Montclair in early September.
Paper Plane Coffee Co. opened in Montclair in early September.

Best coffee shops: To experience coffee bursting with flavor — fragrant, nuanced, sweet or bright or fruity or caramelized — you’ve got to get it from a coffee shop that knows what it’s doing. These are those shops.

Best hot dogs: There's nothing like a hot dog on a sunny summer day. North Jersey has some of the best hot dogs in the country. It's a bold claim, but one that's backed up by Texas Wieners, "All the Way" hot dogs, and dogs covered in tangy relish or smothered in spicy mustard. We named 11 of our favorites with some help from a hot dog expert. And, if you're willing to travel, we also have a list of the best hot dogs in every county in New Jersey.

Best pizza: There are so many amazing pizza joints in New Jersey, we had to break this one down into categories.

Iconic ice cream joints: When Van Dyk’s updates its flavor list, Conrad’s turns on its freezers and Dover Dairy Made swings open its doors, we know summer is officially here.

Best bagels: And how could we not include bagels? North Jersey, again, has the best in the country in our not-so-humble opinion. These are some of our favorites.

Great restaurants with outdoor dining

MC Hotel's rooftop
MC Hotel's rooftop

Rooftop dining: There are few better places to enjoy a cocktail and a meal than high above the bustle on a rooftop. The views are fantastic and the breeze is unbeatable.

Alfresco dining: Dining outside, soaking in the warm sun, is an instant mood booster. Suddenly you'll feel like you're at a European cafe without ever leaving North Jersey.

HAVEN Riverfront Restaurant and Bar outdoor patio.
HAVEN Riverfront Restaurant and Bar outdoor patio.

Bring your dog: Your dog definitely wants to enjoy the great outdoors with you. Fortunately, North Jersey has plenty of restaurants and breweries that are pooch-friendly.

Dog-friendly beer gardens: Many breweries are more than welcoming to our four-legged friends. Strap your dogs on a leash and bring them along to these breweries and beer gardens.

Vegan food and more can't-miss spots

These cookies from Yellow Rose Vegan are garnished with edible flowers and pistachios.
These cookies from Yellow Rose Vegan are garnished with edible flowers and pistachios.

Vegan guide: Vegans, sometimes vegans, people with vegan friends: this is the list for you. These restaurants are either entirely vegan or have plenty of plant-based offerings.

Go out for brunch: There's no specific season for brunch. But, goodness, doesn't it feel so much nicer when the weather is warm and the mimosas are flowing? Those seeking fluffy pancakes, crisp waffles and runny eggs Benedict should head to these restaurants.

Dive bars: Folks love dive bars so much, we had to make two roundups. These downhome bars aren't pretentious and, in many cases, are much more affordable than their fancier counterparts.

A specialty of Kevin Acosta, owner of Kevin's Slice of Heaven in East Rutherford, is the Basque cheesecake. The cheesecake is baked at high temperatures so the outside becomes caramelized and forms a deep brown crust.
A specialty of Kevin Acosta, owner of Kevin's Slice of Heaven in East Rutherford, is the Basque cheesecake. The cheesecake is baked at high temperatures so the outside becomes caramelized and forms a deep brown crust.

Hidden gems: Spend some time this summer discovering the culinary gems you may not have heard of. From caramelized Basque cheesecake to tender Peruvian chicken to a Jersey City speakeasy, these are dishes from restaurants and bakeries you should know about.

Rebecca King is a food writer for For more on where to dine and drink, please subscribe today and sign up for our North Jersey Eats newsletter.


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This article originally appeared on Guide to the best ice cream, hot dogs, pizza and more in North Jersey