Best Universities for Blockchain 2022: University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

CoinDesk· pawel.gaul

Ranked first in research volume among U.S. research universities, the University of Michigan Ann Arbor (UMich) received US$893 million in federal grants. One of its research centers is the Center on Finance, Law and Policy, a multidisciplinary fintech collaboration. UMich has hosted multiple initiatives including the Michigan Ross FinTech Initiative, Tech 2022 Fintech Challenge, and Fintech Challenge 2019.

2022 Rank
(+/- 2021)

University Name





32 (NEW)

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor



North America


Since 2019 UMich has held more than a dozen smaller events and talks, such as "Does Cryptocurrency Have a Future? FinTech Transforming Customer Engagement" and a seminar Cryptocurrency: Economic and Environmental Impacts and U.S. Policy.

With nearly 45,000 students, UMich has 10 student blockchain clubs and societies – more than any other school on the list – including the Michigan Cryptocurrency Club and the Blockchain Development Club.

UMich also has 15 blockchain courses for students to choose from, ranging from Sustainability Finance: Investment Models for Green Growth to Blockchain and the Law, and a Financial Technology (Fintech) Innovations certificate.

The university is a member of Ripple's University Blockchain Research Alliance to promote blockchain research and continuous innovation in this field.
