The best way to fight your battles is at the ballot box, not on the battlefield

On January 18, 1958, the Ku Klux Klan organized a rally in a cornfield near Maxton, North Carolina. James “Catfish” Cole of South Carolina intended to expand the KKK into triracial Robeson County made up of Native Americans (Lumbee Indians), Whites and Blacks.

There had been a couple of cross burnings. Fliers had been distributed, and a truck equipped with a loud speaker had advertised this gathering. The Mayor of Maxton, Bob Fisher, who was also the Chief of Police, had tried to get the rally called off, but Catfish Cole was not about to do that. The State Bureau of Investigation and the F.B.I. had been asked to help prevent violence.

The night of the rally arrived. It did not attract as many local KKK recruits as Catfish Cole had hoped. Most of the 50 or so men were from South Carolina which borders Robeson County. Several hundred Lumbee Indians, some armed, surrounded the KKK and shot out the single light in the field. They jeered. They fired their weapons in the air. They seized Klan regalia. The Klansmen fled. Many were arrested.

The Battle of Hayes Pond became legendary among the Lumbee people and got national news coverage. I taught 8th grade social studies for one year in Robeson County, and another teacher, Leon Oxendine, told me all about it. He was the proud owner of a KKK membership card seized that night.

A young woman working in my mother’s nursing care unit told me her mother was a Lumbee from Robeson County and asked, “Have you ever heard of the Battle of Hayes Pond?”

I have thought a lot about the Battle of Hayes Pond during the House hearings on January 6. The Lumbee community knew one thing for sure: the KKK had to be stopped. After that night, there was no KKK in Robeson County. (It is said that Black citizens volunteered to go with the Lumbees, but the Lumbees wanted to do this themselves.)

In 1958 there were no “assault” weapons, and no one was killed. Life today is more dangerous. When Charlottesville endured the Unite the Right rally, an estimated 1,000 people turned out to oppose 500 neo-Nazis, White supremacists, neo-Confederates, the KKK, and other far-right groups. Among the counter protesters were some of my clergy colleagues who linked arms to walk into the chaos. There were also socialists and Black Lives Matter members, anti-fascists, and ordinary people.

Unlike the Battle of Hayes Pond, someone did die, Heather Heyer. But the reason for the counter protest was the same: these people have to be told no. They are intent on terrorizing people to get their way. They will oppress and commit acts of violence against those of other ethnic groups, religions, sexual minorities, or differing political opinions. How do we know that? Because they have said that is what they intend to do. Because they did it on January 6. As far as they are concerned, the ballot box is pretty weak tea compared to stockpiles of weapons and threats against the life and liberty of those they wish to rule.

We had a president of the United States who used organized militias, his own private soldiers, to try to overturn an election.. Unlike the Lumbees, most elected members of his own party have refused to condemn the insurrection and threats of violence to maintain power. They refuse to demand that it stop.

What the Lumbees knew in 1958 still holds true: if you don’t stop it, it will grow like a cancer. And it is growing.

There seems to be some fantasy on the right that maybe they can pull off the destruction of American democracy and establish something like Hungary under Viktor Orban: no freedom of the press, a hobbled justice system and one-party government but rather peaceful.

I have news for you: Hungary has only about 300,000 gun owners in a country of 10 million people. The U.S. will look a lot more like Bosnia or Haiti or the dangerous parts of Mexico or Northern Ireland during the Troubles than like Hungary. We have a violent history, and it will be infinitely more violent.

We either learn the lesson of Hayes Pond, or we descend into a never-ending civil war of constant, unrelenting violence. The fight is not going to be in a cornfield, and there are many strategies for opposing home-grown fascism and terrorism, some that don’t require guns, but know absolutely that it must be opposed. And if people on the right think sharing this country with a bunch of liberals and drag queens and trans people is hell on earth, they have no idea how bad it can be. Civil war is hell.

Stop the violence. Reassert democracy. Fight your battles at the ballot box. And in Congress. Or….walk into the jaws of a violent hellscape.

Pat Hunt is a columnist for The News Leader in Staunton.

This article originally appeared on Staunton News Leader: The best-fought battles are done at the polls, not on the battlefield