What Are The Best And Worst Fake Accents In Movies?

Fake accents in movies can immerse you in a movie when done right or make you walk out of the theater if done badly. So I want to know what you think are the best or worst movie accents.

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Like, maybe you're still shocked that Renée Zellweger's British accent in Bridget Jones's Diary is fake.

Perhaps you have to fast-forward through Ocean's Eleven every time Don Cheadle and his awful British accent appear.

Or maybe you could write an essay on Heath Ledger's perfect Wyoming accent in Brokeback Mountain.

Or it could be that you're just still trying to figure out what accent Harry Styles was going for in Don't Worry Darling.

Comment below with the best and worst movie accents! The best submissions will be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.