Betty Crocker Has a New Baking Line Dedicated to Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal

Photo credit: Instagram @cinnamontoastcrunch
Photo credit: Instagram @cinnamontoastcrunch

Whatever flavor of boxed cake mix you currently have in your pantry is no match for what Betty Crocker has up its sleeve. The brand has partnered with General Mills’ Cinnamon Toast Crunch to create a line of cereal-inspired baking products. Whip out your bowls and turn on the oven, because dessert is getting a welcomed upgrade!

The new collection includes five products all inspired by Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal. You can find Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cake Mix, Cinnadust Frosting, Cinnadust Cookie Mix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Coffee Cake Mix, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch Complete Pancake Mix. Betty Crocker has somewhat blurred the lines between breakfast and dessert — because, if you ask us, any of these would work for either.

If you’re unfamiliar with Cinnadust seasoning, it was a creation that was released in the summer of 2020, and it’s still available today. The seasoning has notes of vanilla and graham to really bring out the cinnamon sugar flavor that you know from the cereal. The new baking line includes Cinnadust, which means you can expect the cakes, cookies, and pancakes you make to mimic the Cinnamon Toast Crunch that you know and love.

The Betty Crocker x Cinnamon Toast Crunch line is available wherever you typically shop for Betty Crocker products. So hit up your local baking aisle and get to whipping up a dessert (or breakfast) that will have you wondering why you never topped your pancakes with cinnamon-y frosting before.

Read More:

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Has a New Graham Cracker-Inspired Cereal

You Can Now Get Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms in One Box

There’s a Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal Popcorn With Sugar and Caramel

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