Beyond Skin Deep: The Importance of Internal Health for External Beauty

The concept of beauty is usually viewed from an external perspective. We use numerous skincare routines, develop specific makeup techniques to mask or enhance our facial features, and even pay large sums of money to have strangers stick needles in us to look more beautiful.

While there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look good on the outside, truth be told, internal factors play a major role in how beauty manifests on the outside. This comes from feeling our best and adopting a healthy mindset.

Inner and outer beauty are inextricably linked. Our outer beauty is a great reflection of our inner health and well-being, but we must think about this holistically. Our diet, behaviors, environment, and emotions all play a role in how we look, feel, and thrive. Our guide will give you ten great ways to start feeling and looking good from the inside out.

1. Nurture Your Body With Ritual’s Prenatal Vitamins

Pregnant this year? While pregnancy can be an exciting and magical time, it can also include fatigue, stress, and the physical discomforts of pregnancy, from the rapidly shifting hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone. It’s more important now than ever to take care of your inner health so you can nourish your growing baby and feel your best. One of the ways to do this is by taking a high-quality prenatal vitamin; this will ensure you and your unborn baby are receiving all the vitamins and nutrients you need to thrive. Among the most important vitamins is folic acid. In spite of the fact that you may not have paid much attention to folic acid before now, considering there are other, more familiar vitamins and minerals, folic acid is crucial to a healthy pregnancy.

Before finding Ritual, many women have wondered, “Is folate the same as folic acid?” Thankfully, Ritual puts it simply: folic acid is a synthetic version of folate, a B vitamin found in fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

The best way to prevent birth defects of the brain and spinal cord is to take a prenatal vitamin that contains 400 micrograms of folate or folic acid prior to and during pregnancy. It’s important to remember that prenatal vitamins shouldn’t replace a balanced diet, but they can help your body — and your baby — get the vitamins and minerals it needs.

2. Express Your Personality in Boho Clothing From Johhny Was

You may think of fashion as just an external way to express ourselves, but fashion has an undeniable influence on our mental state. Garments can improve our mood and boost our confidence. Choosing Bohemian clothing styles offers the utmost comfort and relaxation. Despite its modern twists, the Boho style from the 1970s will never fade; it’s a style with its own history and ideologies. The essence of Boho has always been about being free in mind, body, and spirit. Bohemian fashion is still popular today, and women enjoy it because it’s easy to wear and authentic. Even the most glamorous and elegant designers seem to be unable to escape this fashion trend.

This style is characterized by flowing dresses, embroidered details, earthy tones, fringe, and flared silhouettes. Johnny Was offers beautiful boho clothing to satisfy everyone’s taste. Embrace this style’s vibrancy and creativity by mixing bright colors and patterns. Mix and match some Boho pieces and accessories to create a style that’s not only on-trend but truly unique to you. Boho clothing is a stylish way to channel bold, courageous, and confident vibes; when you look good, you feel good!

3. Get Your Adrenaline Pumping at a UFC Event With TickPick

One of the primary reasons why the UFC is so popular all over the world is because of how entertaining it is to watch. It’s a sport where an underdog only needs one lucky shot to beat their opponent, meaning it can come down to the final moment. There is no doubt that you will be on the edge of your seat! For UFC fans, experiencing the event in real-time is a must on their bucket list because it’s an authentic experience that cannot be compared to watching it on TV. A live performance carries an energy that can’t be matched by a screen — watching the fighters together, without do-overs, is a thrilling experience.

Whether it’s the electric atmosphere, cheers, and boos from the crowd or the chance to meet some of your favorite UFC fighters or celebrities, you don’t want to miss this. Experiencing this occasion with friends or family or even solo can create happy memories that are essential to our emotional well-being.

Positive, fun memories can strengthen our sense of identity and purpose and bond our relationships because happy memories contribute to present happiness. So what are you waiting for? If you’re a new UFC fan and haven’t yet been to a live UFC event, do yourself a favor and get UFC tickets through TickPick today!

4. Look Good With Lashify’s Natural Lash Extensions

Adding lash extensions can completely transform your appearance. Long eyelashes have traditionally been seen as a sign of beauty — they make the wearer appear young because lush and curly lashes are an indication of youthfulness. Studies and experts have found that wearing makeup, such as lash extensions, can even help boost confidence, productivity, and motivation.

One of the best ways to simplify your makeup and beauty routine is by ditching the mascara for Lashify’s DIY natural lash extensions. Depending on the style, some can create a bold and striking look, while others can enhance your natural lashes. Natural lash extensions are ideal if you’re looking to upgrade your look and enhance your natural beauty. Nothing can make your eyes look more lifted than long, lush eyelashes. Feeling positive about your looks can give you confidence, not to mention changing up your lashes can be a creative and fun way to express yourself!

5. Treat Your Gut to a Healthy Soda From Olipop

An ice-cold soda along with a burger or slice of pizza may seem harmless, but you should be aware that soda contains a number of dangerous ingredients. It’s no secret that soda is a popular sugary drink due to its fizz and caffeine content. Despite this, it is one of the unhealthiest beverages available. Unfortunately, diet or sugar-free soda does not fare any better since it contains artificial sweeteners, which are also unhealthy.

So does this mean we have to give up our precious pop forever? No! The latest beverage revolution is riding the wave of better-for-you junk foods. The health and wellness of consumers is a priority for up-and-coming companies. Olipop is a refreshing healthy soda that mimics the taste of traditional sodas. Each can provide 32% of your daily fiber needs, no artificial sweeteners, and prebiotics to support digestive health. When it comes to beauty and wellness, gut health is everything. The good news is that you can now drink soda more healthily.

6. Upgrade Your Safety Game With Stoggles’s Prescription Safety Glasses

If you’re working in an area with flying objects, harmful chemicals, or dust, safety glasses are an essential item in your tool belt. While safety goggles are crucial for protecting your eyes, trying to wear them over prescription glasses can be uncomfortable. Furthermore, this can result in the goggles slipping off your face repeatedly. However, working without your prescription lenses can also be dangerous.

Prescription safety glasses from Stoggles are an excellent choice when it comes to staying safe. There are several benefits of opting for this type of protective eyewear, including comfort and reduced risk of injuries.

Normal glasses are not a substitute for safety glasses since the materials used to make these goods differ significantly, and regular glasses can’t provide the same level of protection. Prescription safety glasses offer a simple solution that doesn’t compromise safety, comfort, or clear vision. Safetywear doesn’t have to be unattractive either. With prescription safety glasses, you can add style to your protection and feel good while you work. It’s better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to your eyes.

7. Embrace Your Freedom With the BabyBuddha Breast Pump

Breastfeeding can be a wonderful and rewarding experience for new mothers as they bond with their babies and nourish them at the same time. If you choose to breastfeed, you’ll spend a lot of time nursing your baby (between 6 and 8 hours per day for the first few months). Pumping to boost your milk supply or to build up a stash for time away from the baby will take even more time.

As a new mom, it can often seem as though there just aren’t enough hours in the day to balance motherhood and all the other responsibilities you may have. For busy, multi-tasking mamas, hands-free pumping may offer the added flexibility you need. Designed specifically for the active mom, the BabyBuddha hands-free breast pump provides many unique benefits: It’s lightweight, compact, and easily portable.

Hands-free pumping allows you to use your hands while pumping, which means your hands aren’t fully holding your breast pump, shield, or other accessories throughout the process. Multi-tasking allows you to check a few more things off your to-do list while still providing every drop of that liquid gold to your little one without having to sacrifice your supply. Being able to accomplish more will lead to a happier, healthier mama, and you can’t go wrong with that!

8. Save Time and Money With My Fit Foods’ Healthy Prepared Meals

Good nutrition is one of the most important tools for living a healthy life. A healthy diet can prevent disease, protect your mental health, and affect how you look and feel every single day. Eating nutritious food every day should not be a struggle. When it comes to nutrition or exercise, it’s best to keep things simple, so you’re more likely to stay on track.

Turning over the cooking to someone else can save you time and money and improve your health. We all know shopping in a crowded grocery store can be a nightmare, not to mention trying to fit meal planning into a busy schedule takes a lot of work. Plus, it’s not uncommon for healthy meals to contain a lot of ingredients, which can easily rack up those grocery bills.

Thankfully, we’re living in a time where healthy, affordable breakfast, lunch, and dinner can be delivered right to your door. An added bonus of healthy prepared meals is that the food you consume has already been portioned. This type of built-in portion control helps ensure you consume your food in amounts that support your overall health goals.

By getting delicious and healthy prepared meals from My Fit Foods delivered, you can take a more disciplined and efficient approach to food, save time planning, shopping, and cooking, and do your wallet a favor. Why not get started and make your health goals a reality today?

9. Show Off Your New iHeartRaves Festival Outfit

Who doesn’t love music festivals? The only thing better than attending a music festival is dressing for it. Something about the environment, from the campground to the main stage, makes music festivals the perfect place for fashion experimentation. Choosing what to wear and how to wear it can be one of the most exciting parts of attending a music festival.

With festival season just around the corner, you may wonder what iHeartRaves festival outfits to wear to make your festival experience even more enjoyable. Different types of festivals require different styles of clothing, and attire for each festival should reflect its own vibe. Remember to consider the weather when choosing what to wear to your music festival, and don’t be afraid to express yourself!

While going to a festival may not seem inherently healthy, they’re a great time to let your creativity run wild and wear something you wouldn’t normally wear. Allowing yourself to have some fun can lead to a happier, healthier you.

10. Smell Good With Replica Perfume From the Editorialist

Perfumes can make you smell heavenly, and while that should be reason enough for anyone to want to try this liquid magic on their bodies, there are some unexpected benefits of perfumes for anybody who needs more convincing. A great perfume not only provides a good aroma but also enhances your mood. Fragrances can evoke various emotions, such as feeling confident, sexy, happy, and relaxed. Familiar scents can even take you back to fond memories you have of the past.

There’s nothing more soothing than a pleasant smell on days when you feel down. A full breakdown from the Editorialist with their Replica perfume dossier is sure to point you in the right direction for which scent to choose. It’s often said that appearance is everything when making a good first impression, but scents can also play an important role. Whether on a first date or a job interview, no matter how well you dress, if you don’t smell fresh, you won’t impress.

Perfume is an important part of many people’s identities. The scent you wear all the time can make you memorable. Make a statement and discover your perfect scent today!


Although beauty is thought of as an abstract, subjective idea, human beings are biologically wired to gravitate toward what appears healthy. Just like the rest of the animal kingdom, humans instinctively consider visual indicators of peak physical health as beautiful. Clear skin, shiny hair, and healthy nails are all things we associate with beauty because they’re indicative of health.

While Holistic Parenting Magazine can tell you how to embrace your natural beauty, everyone has their own unique preferences (maybe you prioritize killer brows over glossy hair). Still, generally speaking, healthy is beautiful. That’s why looking inward at your physical and mental health is incredibly important — you can’t have one without the other. True wellness isn’t a process you master overnight; it takes a lot of small steps and determination.

The good news is that focusing on a few simple things can make a massive difference in how you look and feel. Jumping on board with holistic beauty is a decision that keeps paying off, no matter your age or specific situation. Start embracing this self-loving lifestyle today by trying some of these ideas.

McClatchy newsroom and editorial staff were not involved in the creation of this content.