The Bible and DEI: What would Jesus do? Letters to the Editor, Feb. 18, 2024

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Oaths should mean something

Observing the anniversary of the Parkland school murders and remembering the other mass murders in the United States with so many of the most innocent of victims, these thoughts came to mind.

The Constitution contains this passage: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Presidential, senatorial, and congressional oaths of office all contain a phrase with the following similar wording.

Senatorial: … support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Presidential: … protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Congressional: … support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Restricting civilian purchase of the AR-15 and other weapons of mass destruction would go a long way toward ensuring domestic tranquility and promoting the general welfare.

Are our senators and congressmen violating their oaths of office?

Ann Coburn, Cocoa

Whamond on Shootings
Whamond on Shootings

Something to complain about

For anyone considering filing a complaint with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, you may want to save your time and energy. I did just that recently and received the following reply. “If the business fails to respond we will notify you that they have chosen not to cooperate and your complaint will be closed to reflect that a response was not received.”

So, that’s it. All they need to do is not reply to the state and everyone washes their hands of the whole thing. The state's Division of Consumer Services has the power to mediate (which was my request) but they are pretty eager to not have any part of that.

However, the company did reply, with the same excuse they had already given me. This was 100% OK with the state of Florida. I guess that they just don’t like to mediate, which of course is their job. Is this the best we can expect from our only consumer protection department?

Yes, save your time and energy.

Carol Walton, Palm Bay

The Bible and DEI

The news has no shortage of stories about those socialist plots behind DEI programs in Florida’s education institutions, governments, and even industries and businesses. FLORIDA TODAY's Feb. 6 article [('DEI bans threaten medical training, care') warns of the negative impacts on health care caused by legal dangers and anti-DEI pressure on Florida’s medical schooling.

Next, the DEI police may be coming after our churches. If Biblical teachings are part of a worship service and faith-based education or program, churches become logical targets. The Gospels and Apostolic letters are full of DEI instructions, often in the form of well-known parables. In fact, equity and inclusion are requirements for someone striving to be a true disciple of Christ. But “righteous” lawmakers’ personal views of morality and punishment may have blocked them from the truth of Jesus’ gospel of love and relationships.

Gary Houchens, Melbourne Beach

Dozens of students rally outside the Florida State University Student Union on Jan. 24, 2024, to “defend diversity” and voice their opposition of cuts to sociology and DEI initiatives as a Florida Board of Governors meeting was held inside the building.
Dozens of students rally outside the Florida State University Student Union on Jan. 24, 2024, to “defend diversity” and voice their opposition of cuts to sociology and DEI initiatives as a Florida Board of Governors meeting was held inside the building.

Slow your roll, Speed Racer

The problem in the left lane on the interstate is those drivers who want to test how fast their cars can go.

I can't tell you how many times I've been passing traffic, exceeding the posted speed limit, and had a driver rocket up behind me flashing brights. And how many times those drivers can't wait until I safely pass a car, but zip around me on the right as soon as there's a car's length visible.

I blame cruise control. Once drivers set it, they don't want to back down.

Ann Carter, Merritt Island

More: Trump's actions make the world less safe: Letters to the Editor, Feb. 11, 2024

Is US safety at risk?

So, is anyone else concerned about our president getting a pass on criminal charges due to age-related mental infirmity, or are mean tweets by the Orange Man still a bigger concern?

If you were an enemy of America, would this be a great time to attack? The vulnerability of our country can't be minimized at this time.

Larry FitzGerald, Merritt Island

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview first aired online on Feb. 8, 2024.
Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview first aired online on Feb. 8, 2024.

Carlson's paean to Putin

For most of my 70-plus years the Republican Party has stood for a strong defense, particularly against Russian dictators determined to defeat and dominate the free world. I well remember the admonition of Ronald Reagan to beware of "the bear" and how the determination of America and its allies brought freedom to Eastern Europe.

So, it is beyond my comprehension how Tucker Carlson, a major American political commentator, has become a shameless propagandist for the ruthless dictator Vladimir Putin. Carlson was limitless in his admiration for the ex-KGB enforcer. Putin enjoys the unanimous support of the Russian press for the simple reason that anyone who speaks against him is thrown in prison, poisoned, or falls mysteriously from an open window. Is this the "freedom of the press" the founders of our nation fought for?

On Feb. 24, 2022, the Russian hordes poured across the Ukrainian border in the most massive invasion of Europe since the Second World War. For two years the brave Ukrainians have held the invaders to a standstill. We can stop them in Ukraine with American arms, or in Western Europe with American blood.

Carlson would have us welcome Putin as a conqueror. Ronald Reagan must be turning over in his grave.

Dan Woodard, M.D.

Time for a VP change

I don't believe that the special counsel or Republicans are necessarily accurate and their statements were totally inappropriate. However, as a simple voter, there have been several incidents where the president has made miscues which are cause for concern. I would feel much less concerned, were he to be re-elected, if his vice president was actually capable to be president if called upon. She has not shown, through the last three years, any indication that she can/could.

Mr. President, there is still time to make the necessary change.

Garey Hartman, Melbourne

A Justice Department investigation into President Joe Biden keeping classified documents noted the difference between Biden, Trump document cases.
A Justice Department investigation into President Joe Biden keeping classified documents noted the difference between Biden, Trump document cases.

Biden, Trump and sensitive documents

Once again, we have an edict from a weaponized DOJ special counsel, this time one who stated that President Biden did nothing wrong by storing sensitive government documents. Even though they are illegal to have, the classified documents he collected were stored in various unsecured locations.

This is somewhat similar to those held by President Trump. Yet, Trump is still being charged for maintaining these documents. If the charges against Trump are not dropped, this would be a further indicator of the two-tiered legal system maintained by the DOJ.

It appears that the only truthful information derived from the special counsel's report is that Biden suffers from diminished mental faculties.

Ted Hesser, Melbourne

Gaffes tell the story

Last week special counsel Robert Hur tried to pull a fast one on us by finding a way to avoid charging Biden for serious breach of national security with classified documents at his premises. But Hur opened Pandora's box by citing Biden's very obvious mental decline as the reason. Anyone who's not a sycophant for Democrats has seen his serious mental erosion for a long time. The press conference hastily called by White House staff to allay those fears did the opposite, with more gaffes and Biden referring to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as the president of Mexico.

Watching various newscasts after that confirms that honesty is lost in liberal circles. The Democrats will continue to deny Biden's frailty. They will try to convince us Bidenomics is working, even after we find out the recent jobs report was built on record hiring of 2.9 million migrants, coupled with a persistent deficit of 183,000 Americans in the workforce since 2019.

The out-of-control southern border fiasco is finally highlighted with the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas. But watch for the obvious dishonesty when Senate Democrats hastily do away with this impeachment, claiming the border is closed.

I know some will say that my letter sounds like the type of party loyalty I'm criticizing, but facts are facts. In my lifetime I've honestly never witnessed a more inept or corrupt administration.

It's nauseating to see this fealty to party over the well-being of our U.S. citizens.

George Minto, Titusville

More: New immigration laws not needed; enforce the old ones: Letters to the Editor, Feb. 4, 2024

Trump's good outweighs the cocky

Donald Trump can be despised for his contemptuous and cocky personality and/or praised for his presidential accomplishments.

Trump brags too much about his presidential record. He belittles and humiliates people unnecessarily. His rudeness is disgusting. But his political good for America outweighs his personality defects.

Preserving America's constitutional republic for our loved ones' future is better than leaving them living in a socialist police state.

Get smart, America.

Melvin Deere, Melbourne      

Donald Trump supporter Jeannie Fazio, of Port St. Lucie, waits outside the federal courthouse waiting for Trump to arrive for a classified documents sealed hearing in Fort Pierce on Monday, Feb, 12, 2024.
Donald Trump supporter Jeannie Fazio, of Port St. Lucie, waits outside the federal courthouse waiting for Trump to arrive for a classified documents sealed hearing in Fort Pierce on Monday, Feb, 12, 2024.

About those POTUS choices ...

Much is being said about the presumed rematch for the presidency. Unfortunately, the way our electoral system is set up, it’s beginning to look like a rematch of 2020.

On one hand, we have Biden who has definitely been showing telling signs of his 81 years.

On the other hand, we have a man only three years younger also showing signs of his years, not to mention the myriad criminal charges pending against him.

Neither choice is a good choice. Both have been tested in the position they seek. Biden has decades of political experience and surrounds himself with competent people in advisory positions who seem to be giving him sound advice to navigate the duties of the job. Trump, on the other hand, surrounds himself with sycophants chosen for their obsequiousness to his ego and will not make any decisions that might displease him. Trump has expressed his desire to act like a dictator. His America First and Make America Great Again slogans are just smokescreens to hide his true ambitions: ultimate power over people, to crush dissent, suppress opposition; and, of course, to avoid criminal convictions and prison. This was the aim of a couple of figures from 1930s Europe, as you may have read about in history books. That paradigm didn’t work out so well ... for anyone.

I really hope that by November we have different choices for both parties because Biden’s reelection might be a disaster for this country, but Trump’s election surely would be.

Ed Dean, Merritt Island

How can he still be on a ballot?

Is it possible a person found liable for sexual abuse by a jury in a civil trial could be on the ballot for president of our country?

Is it possible a person who took top secrets of our government, was asked to return them and refused to do so? Why did he refuse? Perhaps to sell them to the highest bidder, like his buddy Putin of Russia, or his "love letter" friend Kim of North Korea? He should be on our presidential ballot?

We all heard his insurrectionist rant on Jan. 6, to "walk down to the Capitol and fight like hell" to overturn the election. “I'll be with you," he said. Except the Secret Service would not allow this and took him back to the White House where he waited hours to call off his minions. In the meantime people were killed and maimed and hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of damage was done to the Capitol.

He should be on our ballot? He should be sitting in jail for the rest of his life, not running for office in our country.

Jacqueline Dunkel, Melbourne

This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Trump's good outweighs the cocky: Letters to the Editor, Feb. 18, 2024