Biden calls out governors who penalize educators for mandating masks in schools

While delivering remarks at the White House on Wednesday, President Biden said the Department of Education can take steps against governors who block or intimidate local school officials for mandating masks in public schools.

Video Transcript

PRESIDENT BIDEN: And for those who aren't eligible for the vaccine yet, children under the age of 12, masks are the best available protection for them and the adults around them. That's what we need to make sure children are wearing masks in school. Before I talk about the news related to, vaccines let me say a few words about masks and our children.

Unfortunately, as you've seen throughout this pandemic, some politicians are trying to turn public safety measures-- that is children wearing masks in school-- into political disputes for their own political gain. Some are even trying to take power away from local educators by banning masks in school. They're setting a dangerous tone.

For example, last week at a school board meeting in Tennessee, protesters threatened doctors and nurses who were testifying making the case for masking children in schools. Intimidation and the threats we're seeing across the country are wrong. They're unacceptable. As I've said before, this isn't about politics. It's about keeping our children safe. It's about taking on the virus together, united.

I made it clear that I'll stand with those who are trying to do the right thing. Last week, I called school superintendents in Florida and Arizona to thank them for doing the right thing and requiring masks in their schools. One of them said, we teach science. So we follow the science. The other said, they have guiding principle-- students first. I couldn't agree with more than-- I just couldn't agree more with what they both said.

And that's why today I'm directing the Secretary of Education, an educator himself, to take additional steps to protect our children. This includes using all of his oversight authorities and legal action, if appropriate, against governors who are trying to block and intimidate local school officials and educators. As I've said before, if you aren't going to fight COVID-19, at least get out of the way of everyone else who's trying.

You know, we're not going to sit by as governors try to block and intimidate educators protecting our children. For example, if a governor wants to cut the pay of a hardworking education leader who requires masks in a classroom, the money from the American Rescue Plan can be used to pay that person's salary, 100%. I'm going to say a lot more about children in schools next week.

But as we head into the school year, remember this, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC, says masks are critical, especially for those who are not yet vaccinated, like our children under the age of 12. So let's put politics aside. Let's follow the educators and the scientists who know a lot more about how to teach our children and keep them safe than any politician. This administration is always going to take the side of our children.