Biden calls Trump 'absolute fool' for not wearing mask

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden called his Republican rival a quote "absolute fool" for not wearing a mask at a series of recent public events.

In a taped interview with CNN on Tuesday, Biden blasted President Trump for refusing to wear a mask, saying quote: "He’s a fool, an absolute fool to talk that way. Every leading doc in the world says you should be wearing a mask in a crowd.”

Biden called Trump's behavior "macho stuff" that was costing people's lives.

The decision whether to wear a face mask in public has emerged as a national political battle, with the two presidential candidates adopting very different approaches.

President Trump has resisted wearing masks in front of cameras including on Memorial Day while Biden, who at his first public event since March, wore a mask outdoors on the Monday holiday.

That caught Trump’s attention who retweeted an image of Biden at the event accompanied by a comment: "This might help explain why Trump doesn't like to wear a mask in public."

Trump was asked about the retweet on Tuesday:

(Reuters Reporter Jeff Mason): "Were you meaning to criticize Vice President Biden for wearing a mask yesterday?"

(Trump):"Biden can wear a mask but he was standing outside with his wife, perfect conditions, perfect weather. They're inside they don't wear masks and so I thought it was very unusual that he had one on. But I thought that was fine. I wasn't criticizing him at all. Why would I ever do a thing like that? And your second question was? I couldn't hear you. Can you take it off, because I can not hear you."

(Reuters Reporter Jeff Mason): "I'll just speak louder sir."

(Trump): "Oh ok because you want to be politically correct"

(Reuters Reporter Jeff Mason):"No sir, I just want to wear the mask."

The CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where social distancing measures are hard to maintain. The guidelines do not suggest wearing masks at home.