Biden Campaign Slams Trump For Having 'Parroted Hitler' In Latest Anti-Immigrant Rant

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Former President Donald Trump is pushing anti-immigrant rhetoric on the campaign trail again as he took aim at people coming to the U.S. and “poisoning the blood of our country” during a rally on Saturday.

Trump, who has echoed the likes of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in a recent speech pledging to “root out ... vermin” political foes, ranted about immigrants to supporters in Durham, New Hampshire.

“They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America ... but all over the world,” Trump said of immigrants.

“They’re coming into our country, from Africa, from Asia, all over the world,” he continued. “They’re pouring into our country. Nobody is even looking at them, they just come in and the crime is going to be tremendous, the terrorism is going to be.”

Trump also quoted Russian President Vladimir Putin to attack President Joe Biden, saying: “Even Vladimir Putin … says that Biden’s, and this is a quote, politically motivated persecution of his political rival is very good for Russia because it shows the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy.”

Along with name-dropping Putin, the former president also mentioned two other authoritarian figures during his rally: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán. He called Kim “very nice” and Orbán “highly respected,” adding that the latter said “Trump is the man who can save the western world.”

The latest remarks from Trump, who has said he’d be a “dictator” on “day one” of another presidential term, received swift criticism from a spokesperson for Biden’s reelection campaign.

“Tonight Donald Trump channeled his role models as he parroted Adolf Hitler, praised Kim Jong Un, and quoted Vladimir Putin while running for president on a promise to rule as a dictator and threaten American democracy,” Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa said in a statement.

MeidasTouch Network, a left-leaning news network, noted that Trump’s use of the “poisoning the blood” phrase is similar to one used by Hitler in “Mein Kampf,” where the Nazi leader stated: “All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning.”

Trump previously used similar language in September during an interview with The National Pulse, a right-leaning website, saying that immigrants are coming into America “with disease” and “every possible thing that you could have.”

The remarks received condemnation from Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO and national director of the Anti-Defamation League, as he tied the “toxic rhetoric” to inspiring mass shootings in Pittsburgh and El Paso, Texas, in recent years.

Trump’s use of anti-immigrant rhetoric comes over one month since the New York Times reported that the former president – if elected to another term – plans to “scour the country for unauthorized immigrants,” annually deport people “by the millions” and build “huge” detention camps for detaining immigrants who await deportation.

HuffPost reporter Paige Skinner contributed to this story.
