Biden-Harris should go big on issues like voter suppression, Citizens United.

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Tackle big issues

Like it or not, structural racism and income equality may be the greatest challenges faced by Biden-Harris once the pandemic is under control.

Will they, along with their majority in Congress, take on significant issues like the antiquated Electoral College, the filibuster, and Shelby v. Holder and the Supreme Court ruling which has allowed voter suppression to thrive across the nation? And the biggest one of all — Citizens United?

We the people, means all the people. No longer should wealthy individuals and corporations own our congressmen and senators. I am hopeful the Biden administration will choose to go big.

Bill Anderson, Charlotte

Minimum wage

Instead of sending checks to people, from homeless people to households with income up to $150,000, why not address the working poor directly?

Don’t give a grant to the person, but to their paycheck. For example, offer every employer paying workers less than $10 an hour a 50% subsidy to raise those wages to $12.

Of course, there are details to add to the concept. The underemployed and non-working poor need to be addressed, and the subsidy needs to be phased out while simultaneously raising the minimum wage for everyone.

William C. Barnes, Charlotte

Speedway vaccines

I read the article on the Speedway vaccine experience. While I think it’s great to have these events, I believe it’s selfish for the Charlotte area to take away tens of thousands of doses from other areas of the state. All of North Carolina is important, not just Charlotte.

Carol Baker, Waxhaw

Biden, the military

Hats off to President Joe Biden for lifting the ban on transgender Americans serving in the military, undoing at least part of what President Trump did to LGBTQ people. Now everyone in the military will march to one tune and not be subjected to sexual discrimination. This is a win-win situation for the LGBTQ community, as well as the military.

Lorraine Stark, Matthews

Trump successes

Regarding “Americans shouldn’t forget President Trump’s successes,” (Jan. 21 Opinion)

Kudos to Desiree Zapata Miller for having the courage to write a positive opinion piece about President Trump and for the Observer to feature it. It is refreshing to read an article that gives a different opinion from what many in the media extol. Many people have no idea of the positive accomplishments of the Trump administration, so thank you for educating readers.

Ralph L. Taylor, Cornelius

Keystone XL

President Biden has stopped the Keystone XL pipeline.

Many say it would help keep all of our fuel costs lower. Without the pipeline the oil will still go to Texas from Canada, only by using thousands of trucks that of course cause much pollution.

Who is the president helping?

Dick Meyer, Charlotte

GOP backlash

Regarding “Backlash swift for 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Trump” (Jan. 24):

This article states that impeachment votes “are being framed as a loyalty test to Trump.” Therein lies the problem.

When did fealty to a would-be autocrat become more important than the oath that each member of Congress took to uphold the Constitution?

Punishment for the 10 GOP members of the House who voted to impeach Trump sends a clear signal to all Republican senators. — convict Trump at your own peril.

Before the trial starts and before any evidence is even presented, I can already visualize Trump holding up a newspaper with a headline that reads “Trump acquitted.”

Arnie Grieves, Charlotte

Cable rates

Regarding “Cable, internet costs are heading higher, even for cord-cutters,” (Jan. 26):

I’m amazed at the cost of cable/wireless TV/internet. How can our Federal Communications Commission allow this to continue, and rates to go up and up?

There is no way that they can justify this cost. We see more and more commercials everyday. I feel like I’m paying to watch commercials! I’m sure companies are paying a high fee to advertise.

Gerald Gibson, Lincolnton